Republican "Leadership".....


Ubi bene ibi patria


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In My Opinion
so, lets see if I understand this.
the majority of U.S citizens (real ones, the ones that work and are legal) do not want obamacare funded.
Boehner finally agrees to go along with the republicans that are hearing the people, and allow for a bill to stop the funding.
This is what the people want, so basically, this is the job of the representatives to defund it.

now, in steps the democrats who also hear the people, but decide to do what they want instead, which is, kiss obamabutt regardless of what the U.S citizens want. The dems will stop this bill, and by doing so will once again bring the government to its knees instead of voting the way the majority of citizens want

but you see this as a republican problem? Really?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

That's a bad pretext. Governing implies working to serve the American people. If most people think Obamacare is bad for the American people, and most do, then, wouldn't it be the work of governing by Boehnor to seek to stop it?