Scenes from Obamacare's glitch-filled opening day


Well-Known Member
Marilyn Tavenner (chief administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)), characterized yesterday’s launch of Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. “We think we’re off to a good start”.

Web traffic, glitches slow Obamacare exchanges launch | Reuters

Unfortunately, they don't really say how good.

A federal spokesperson said that individuals successfully applied for insurance in the exchange system run by the federal government, which is administering 36 of the exchanges, but refused to provide details about how many actually enrolled.

Officials tight-lipped about problems with ObamaCare enrollment (Video) - The Hill's Healthwatch

A report in The New York Times offers this scene from a health center near Miami in Florida, one of the states where the federal government is administering the exchange:

All day, trained application counselors typed in “Florida,” or got as far as entering some applicants’ personal information, before the system crashed. Sometimes the crash came when it was time to answer a security question. Other times applicants put in their security question answers but could go no further.

Out of nearly 72 applicants who sat down with counselors by noon, none were able to access the marketplace. All of the applicants were given appointments to come back another week.

So, no one who showed up could even make a profile, let alone shop for insurance.

Then there's issues in TX.

In South Texas, health-care providers reported an unusual problem with the federal marketplace: Many patients didn’t have e-mail addresses and therefore couldn’t sign up online.

The Brownsville Community Health Center had 50 people show up on Tuesday ready to sign up for health coverage — many even brought pay stubs and income documentation — but not a single one had an e-mail address.

“If you don’t include an e-mail address, they won’t let you through,” said Christela Gomez, the special-projects coordinator and lead certification application counselor at the center. “Quite a few didn’t even know what an e-mail address was,” she added.

- The Washington Post

It's not just the federal exchange though. New York has it's share of issues.
Their exchange displayed an error message throughout much of yesterday; officials there blamed heavy web traffic, saying the site got 2 million visits

Obamacare Exchanges Riddled With Glitches |

The exchange in Minnesota had major problems throughout the day and could not confirm that they enrolled anyone at all.

MNsure health insurance exchange gets off to a halting start | Star Tribune

The exchange in Washington state was offline for six hours, and said the problem wasn’t too much traffic.

WA health exchange website hits snags on launch day | Seattle

Hawaii's exchange took applications, but had no plan details on offer.

Hawaii health exchange: No plan-buying for now | KHON2

Some state exchanges did post enrollment figures. Connecticut processed 167 applications by the end of the workday. The District of Columbia exchange had 175 people start the process, although only four completed enrollment, according to the Post. The state-run exchange in Kentucky appears to have been the most successful at enrolling people throughout the day, with more than 1,000 applications completed. But reports indicate that it, too, experienced “substantial glitches” and login issues during the day.

Obamacare Exchanges Riddled With Glitches |

Glitches hamper access to Kentucky's Obamacare website | Medicine |

Reuters reports that its checks in 47 states through yesterday turned up “frequent error messages and traffic overload notices.”
I'd been trying to get into Maryland's site (Maryland Health Connection) since first thing Tuesday morning. It's been a total mess. Maybe that's been because of heavy traffic, but they should have been able to do better than this.

It froze up over and over and over. Parts of pages wouldn't load. I'd get through various parts of the process and then it would just decide it wasn't interested in cooperating anymore. I don't mean trying a half dozen times. I mean, trying many dozens of times and not getting anywhere. I finally managed late last night to set up an account, but even then it took a long time and a lot of tries - and I had to reenter information each time.

Anyway, I wanted to check out pricing. It seems pretty decent, but problems with the site have limited my ability to check into the details of the respective plans.
Shouldnt the web site be shut down like the rest of the gubberment?

No, existing law provides, for the most part, for the implementation of ObamaCare.

Other things aren't provided for by existing law. They need to have money appropriated for them each year. So they're supposed to stop if new money hasn't been appropriated for them.

Social Security checks won't stop because of the shutdown, nor will a lot of other things - they don't depend on new discretionary spending to continue. That's the way the laws have been set up.


In My Opinion
so, as you are laying on the floor in the emergency room, clutching your chest due to the massive heart attack, the nice nurse informs you that just as soon as the Maryland health care website comes back up, they will be able to access your information and take care of you..
Just as soon as they take care of the non paying scum with the boo boo on their finger.


Well-Known Member
so, as you are laying on the floor in the emergency room, clutching your chest due to the massive heart attack, the nice nurse informs you that just as soon as the Maryland health care website comes back up, they will be able to access your information and take care of you..
Just as soon as they take care of the non paying scum with the boo boo on their finger.

I believe the Emergency Treatment and Labor Act of 1986 prohibits that, and gives individuals the right to emergency care regardless of their ability to pay.

A hospital must provide "stabilizing care" for a patient with an emergency medical condition. The hospital must screen for the emergency and provide the care without inquiring about your ability to pay


In My Opinion
I believe the Emergency Treatment and Labor Act of 1986 prohibits that, and gives individuals the right to emergency care regardless of their ability to pay.

A hospital must provide "stabilizing care" for a patient with an emergency medical condition. The hospital must screen for the emergency and provide the care without inquiring about your ability to pay

You must be wrong,
the liberals have said that people are dying in the streets due to the lack of insurance.
Now who am I to believe?
an American or a liberal?


In My Opinion
we should all hit the site at the same time and see if we can bring it down.


In My Opinion
been at it for 20 minutes now and have not yet got past the

its just hanging.

I was going to sign up as an unemployed scumbag and see if I could get them to issue me a free health care card.


In My Opinion
Still hanging at the same page, almost a half hour now.

think this is their way of weeding out people that actually have things to do besides smoke crack and spread legs? ( the main target of obamacare)


Well-Known Member
Comment directly from the Obamacare-ACA website.

"I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 "Silver Plan" and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I "opt-out" and chose to continue along with no insurance.

I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return.


New Member
Comment directly from the Obamacare-ACA website.

"I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 "Silver Plan" and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I "opt-out" and chose to continue along with no insurance.

I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return.

If they voted for Obama, awesome!
If they voted for other than Mitt, even better!