Obama press conference on ACA


Well-Known Member

They spent years getting their systems to work with Obamacare.

Now, since he's feeling the heat from this cluster####, he decides he can change this in a whim.

So now if the insurance companies can't comply than he will have someone else to blame.


Well-Known Member
So now if the insurance companies can't comply than he will have someone else to blame.

IF??? No way they will take the hit that his failed plans cost them in time and money. He's passing the buck again and I'm sure the narrative in the media will turn to those nasty money-grubbing insurance companies.


PREMO Member
more Extra Legal Actions from in illegal administration
so democrats don't have to face pissed off voters in 2014

'Fairy Tale' Continues as Obama Proposes Extralegal Obamacare Fix

But there's a catch with president's proposed solution. The president is not proposing that the law be changed to allow all health insurance plans grandfathered into Obamacare's eligibility requirements.

No, instead the White House is saying that it will use "enforcement discretion" to allow illegal health insurance plans to be able to still be sold. That is, the Obama administration will not enforce the penalty on individuals for not having eligible health insurance plans and they'll allow the insurance companies to still sell so-called bad plans -- plans they technically can't sell under Obamacare.

"Under the White House’s approach, the Department of Health and Human Services will notify the nation’s state insurance commissioners that they have federal permission to allow consumers who already have such insurance policies to keep them through 2014," reports the Washington Post.

He'll also be forcing insurance companies to help advertise for Obamacare by letting customers know that there's an Obamacare marketplace where they can purchase (or get subsidized) health care coverage.

Obama's proposal is an extra-legal solution to a big problem for millions of Americans around the country.

"I don't see within the law how they can do this administratively," said Speaker John Boehner in a press conference on Capitol Hill. "No one can identify anything the president could do administratively to keep his pledge that would be both legal and effective."

The proposed White House fix so that Obama can honor his commitment is also likely to create more problems and to further distrust the American people have for this administration, which makes law based on what it chooses to enforce while sidestepping the constitutional process that is in place.

Indeed, there's another problem. As Texas senator Ted Cruz says, the president cannot fix an unfixable law. "We cannot 'fix' Obamacare. The damage has been done, as millions of Americans have already been made to pay higher premiums and lose their jobs, wages, and health care plans," Cruz said today.

Howard Dean: I Wonder If Obama Has the 'Legal Authority to Do This'

Oba-Me is The Messiah ...
... he does lots of things he has not authority to do or allows people under him to do ...

Obama claims ‘enforcement discretion’ to make Obamacare changes

and 'Oral' Sex isn't
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Well-Known Member
Is he delirious? With a wave of his hand, he can just roll back all of those plans that he'd had no problem with a week or so ago?

This is all smoke screen - he can't do it. This is to make him look better without doing anything. That ship has sailed.

Did you notice how often he said "that's on me"? I thought, I wonder how long it took them to find a phrase that doesn't actually say "that's MY fault" or "I screwed up".


mama to two


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24/7 Single Dad
:lol: Excellent move

Appear on TV, make another promise that's impossible to keep and when it fails blame the mean old insurance companies.

... leave out the part that he changed the regulations that don't allow them to change the policies


Not White House Approved
All he did was kick the can down the road. What happens a year from now? All he is trying to do is buy those dumbocrats who are up for re-election some time so they don't get blasted by his biggest failure.

This is all smoke and mirrors; and I love how he can pick and choose what laws he upholds and enforces, just like a dictator of a banana republic.

Also, anyone else notice how barry is always late to press that his own press office calls for. One of the most disrespectful thing a "leader" can do is keep people waiting on them, it shows that they don't respect other peoples time and feel that they are more important than everyone else; then again, barry is about as much of a leader as Bill Clinton was a faithful husband.


All he did was kick the can down the road. What happens a year from now? All he is trying to do is buy those dumbocrats who are up for re-election some time so they don't get blasted by his biggest failure.

This is all smoke and mirrors; and I love how he can pick and choose what laws he upholds and enforces, just like a dictator of a banana republic.

Also, anyone else notice how barry is always late to press that his own press office calls for. One of the most disrespectful thing a "leader" can do is keep people waiting on them, it shows that they don't respect other peoples time and feel that they are more important than everyone else; then again, barry is about as much of a leader as Bill Clinton was a faithful husband.



New Member
All he did was kick the can down the road. What happens a year from now? All he is trying to do is buy those dumbocrats who are up for re-election some time so they don't get blasted by his biggest failure.

This is all smoke and mirrors; and I love how he can pick and choose what laws he upholds and enforces, just like a dictator of a banana republic.

Also, anyone else notice how barry is always late to press that his own press office calls for. One of the most disrespectful thing a "leader" can do is keep people waiting on them, it shows that they don't respect other peoples time and feel that they are more important than everyone else; then again, barry is about as much of a leader as Bill Clinton was a faithful husband.

I had not heard until i read an article on cbs that he said that they can keep the same coverage for a year


I had not heard until i read an article on cbs that he said that they can keep the same coverage for a year

I'm just wondering how this is going to go if they've already been canceled by their insurance company. How can he do that?


Maybe the pain should be spread around. For every cancelled policy, Oba-me loses a round of golf!

Seriously though, didn't he confirm today that he lied in the beginning and now he's got to scramble to try to fix this? I can't wait to see what the insurance companies do. This is all a total FUBAR and I can't wait to see how it turns out. I keep hearing the phrase "house of cards" and this is now what I am thinking of.


24/7 Single Dad
I'm just wondering how this is going to go if they've already been canceled by their insurance company. How can he do that?
He can't.

... but he can now claim that it's the fault of the evil insurance companies.

Seriously though, didn't he confirm today that he lied in the beginning .


He said he was sorry if you believed what he said and it caused you any inconvenience.
The problem was that you believed him, not that he lied