MN Dems demand GOP candidate birth certificate


Well-Known Member
EDIT: MT, not MN

The Democratic Party of Montana is calling on GOP Rep. Steve Daines, who is running in the state's high-profile Senate race this year, to release his birth certificate -- echoing the "birther" strategy employed against President Barack Obama.

Daines has alternately asserted that he is third-generation Montanan and fifth-generation Montanan, though he was born in California.

"No matter what generation Congressman Daines claims to be, he's a stranger to both the facts and Montana values -- and Montanans deserve the truth," Bryce Bennett, a Democratic Montana state Representative, said in a statement. "Montanans can't afford a Washington politician who thinks he can get away with fooling the people he's supposed to represent."

Montana Democrats Demand To See GOP Senate Candidate's Birth Certificate

Only 3 years ago.....
"The president believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good for the country," White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said. "It may have been good politics and good (television), but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country.

"At a time of great consequence for this country -- when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, D.C., was once again distracted by a fake issue," Pfeiffer said. "The president's hope is that with this step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American people and the future of the country."
Obama releases original long-form birth certificate -
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mama to two
This statement literally jumped out of the screen at me like 3D! :killingme:

"Montanans can't afford a Washington politician who thinks he can get away with fooling the people he's supposed to represent."


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sounds fair enough for me. Make the candidate prove who he/she is - in equal exchange for all voters proving who they are at the polling stations.

What could possibly be wrong with that?:buddies:


Well-Known Member
From Wiki:
Daines was born in California and moved to Montana with his parents when he was two years old. He was raised in Bozeman, Montana where he attended school from kindergarten through college.
I'm sure those first two years settle the fact that "he's a stranger to both the facts and Montana values".


Well-Known Member
MT requires their elected officials to be born there?

I think it's a semantics thing. He says he's 3rd or 5th generation, when he was actually born somewhere else.

Next, they'll be asking for his great-grandparents' birth certificates to see whether he's really 3rd, or 5th.

When you can't win on policy, change the argument to semantics and attack your opponent.