TJ Caught on Camera!


No Use for Donk Twits
Prius Owner Harasses Farmer For Owning Truck

You just have to love when a tree-hugging Liberal comes forward and willingly makes a fool of themselves. Lucky for us, this one decided to keep at it even after the truck owner that she decided to harass, flipped on his camera.
She starts off by calling his truck a “gas guzzling piece of sh*t,” in front of the man’s children – now that’s class. She continues on her rampage by asking what the man does for a living.

What an arrogant POS. At first I thought it was Harry Reid in drag.


What do you do in front of your kids? Don't want to set a bad example, but wow, I sure wanted to knock her teeth down her throat and I wasn't even there.


Well-Known Member
What do you do in front of your kids? Don't want to set a bad example, but wow, I sure wanted to knock her teeth down her throat and I wasn't even there.

Agreeing here Bay_Kat, the damn liberal a$$hole started throwing out cuss at the people when they had their kids with them. UFB. I am glad i was not the one being confronted by that a$$hole POS. The dad definitley seemed to keep it under control, i thought his wife was going to smack the sh!t out of her.


Agreeing here Bay_Kat, the damn liberal a$$hole started throwing out cuss at the people when they had their kids with them. UFB. I am glad i was not the one being confronted by that a$$hole POS. The dad definitley seemed to keep it under control, i thought his wife was going to smack the sh!t out of her.

I always wondered if my Jeep could run over a Prius.:killingme


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Dang. All this time I've been asking TJ if she was hawt. I was hoping she was..she seemed like she wanted to jump my bones. Now I know why she never gave an honest answer to my repeated queries. *sigh*


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Doesn't it waste more energy just hauling her fat ass around? What hypocrisy!

You just KNOW this woman is pissed off because she overpaid for a vehicle which promised to be effective and efficient in overcoming the taint of internal combustion. Then, over the years she found the gutless car was costing her a fortune in repair bills while the patriots continued to drive and purchase internal combustion-only automobiles. The crowning glory to her miserable day was the fact she couldn't find a parking place for her POS and she decided to take it out on the patriot who drove an internal combustion-only family-size car.

She's probably also pissed that she voted for Obongo twice and is still not the CEO of her company.


I would have lit a cigarette and if she got that close to me, blown the smoke right in her face. I have to say, those people showed amazing restraint.


The best thing to do in these cases is fire the truck up and rev it up, pluming smoke everywhere and drowning out her annoying screech - with a smile on your face.

Or just get her license plate and call the police and file harassment charges.