Cary Anderson


mama to two

Let's all sing a hymn for Cary's shade.

Him, him, F*ck him.

Happy Trails, a$$hole.

That is all.


:yay: There cannot be enough awareness, or threads about someone like this. One was already started, but may there be many more threads, and many more penal vigilante inmate executions of a person that prays on innocent children. Cary's epitaph can read: I was a piece of crap. I preyed on innocent children. I saved the state a crap load of money. I will not rest in peace.


mama to two
Thanks, missed the first thread. I'll let this drop.

I do like the hymn, though.

Yes, very catchy. Like I said, there cannot be enough conversation about someone like Cary. I am sure your thread will, also, get replies. :yay: Bless all children. In the state of the world as it is, their innocence has been cut short, anyway, without adding the actions of this most low life of the world's low life; as in being below the sewer.
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