How come we find out now.


Well-Known Member
Picked up my Free copy of County Times and on the front page it say's we have a potential 900 Million dollar budget deficit.

How come we don't find this out before the election?

Now TJ will be in here claiming a free paper is a lousy source and that the deficit is really only $899,999,999 dollars , but why didn't we hear about this during the election?

Well we all know the answer I guess, but the fact is that now Hogan and all of the Republicans we elected are facing a situation where the Democrats spent their merry way and if they had been elected again would have taxed the hell out of us, and now that they lost the Republicans coming in will take the rap for not cutting taxes and cutting projects that will hurt.
It will take 2 or 3 years to straighten out the Democrats mess , and by that time the Democrats will be spewing about how the Republicans cut "essential" services.

In the meantime it is my belief that if O'Malley still wants to run for President it verifies his insanity.


Well-Known Member
Hijinx, you almost get it o'malley was only practicing when he was ruining MD. He has his sites set on much bigger things, he wants to ruin America. A 900 Million dollar budget deficit, just whet his appetite. I am sure he has his eyes set on being able to have a billions and or trillions dollar budget deficit. If O'Malley still wants to run for President it verifies his insanity, it will only show his egotism. I agree with you that any voter that votes for him will be verifying their insanity. :cheers:


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
The media has talked about a $1B structural deficit in the Maryland budget for at least two years that I'm aware of. Anthony Brown's campaign must have done a "Bill Clinton budget surplus" lie and found $100M.