Who's-a-scared of the "F" word?


Well-Known Member
The media, that's who.


If there is one word we here at Politichicks.com are not afraid of, it’s the word feminism. Just read What Women (Really) Want by Politichicks anchors Ann-Marie Murrell, Dr. Gina Loudon, and Morgan Brittany and you’ll find a great discussion on what modern-day feminism has become and how the label no longer applies to the average freedom loving American woman.

Apparently, however, media outlets are afraid of that scary “F” word.

TIME put out its fourth annual word banishment poll to readers and surprisingly the word “feminist” was put on the poll as a list to choose from along with the words “kale,” “bossy,” “bae” and others.

Well, cue the leftist media backlash because they weren’t having their prized ‘feminist’ word be put on a poll to be banned.