Columbus Anti-Saracen Crusader


PREMO Member
Saudi Preacher Makes Bizarre Claim About the Discovery of America

A Saudi preacher said that Muslims were already in America before Christopher Columbus ever sailed there.

Speaking at the Sa’eed bin Jubair Mosque in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, Imam Issa Assiri said of the discovery of America: “The truth is that Columbus knew about the ‘new world’ even before he set sail. He also knew that there were Muslims there.”

The preacher contended that Columbus’ mission to America was all part of a war against Islam.

“He received a personal commission to sail to America from a Crusader queen [Isabella] who hated Islam and the Muslims,” Assiri said, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute. “That was before this hateful crusader turned to the American continent, in order to fight the Muslims there. The Muslims were there before Columbus and all the others.”



Well-Known Member
Columbus was delayed by the royal court because they HAD to reduce Grenada first (1491)...that capstone siege slammed the door on 700 years of Islamic oppression...and strengthened the Aragon-Castille union. The assertion of Columbus' mission by the ignorant muslim (but I repeat myself) is thoroughly false.

A more realistic question recently is "Was Columbus actually Spanish?"...judging by his diction in his extensive diaries.

Muslims claim all sorts of great achievements....yet if one actually examines the claims,...the majority are patently false, or badly exaggerated. Frauds & Thugs from the very beginning.