Chick-Fil-A Idiot


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
So was the Chick-Fil-A-Idiot when he made that video.

3 yras later he's still unemployd and unrepentant. Despite his claims to be straight, you have to wonder that none of the public queers were as passionate at he at that time. Lot of those kids in his family look adopted.


New Member
3 yras later he's still unemployd and unrepentant. Despite his claims to be straight, you have to wonder that none of the public queers were as passionate at he at that time. Lot of those kids in his family look adopted.

Reportedly, 2 are adopted and have special needs


Chic Fil-A could show what Christians really represent by offering Smith a job.
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professional daydreamer
3 yras later he's still unemployd and unrepentant.

Not that I care, because he's a jerk, but that statement is not entirely true.



Why punish the other employees who'd have to work with him?

The point is for Smith to see the folks at CFA aren't what he thinks they are... all the way to the top. And I wasn't talking about a chicken sandwich maker. He is obviously management-level material.

A teachable moment. And a message of true forgiveness. Maybe he would get it, maybe not. The message isn't necessarily just for him; it's for all of those out there think CFA has some anti-gay agenda - which they don't. Sometimes you fight fire with water.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not that I care, because he's a jerk, but that statement is not entirely true.

Psh. He's not sorry, he's just sorry people jumped his ass for it.

He's still a little bitch who wants people who have different beliefs than him to be punished. THAT is what makes him a loser - him busting all over that girl is just a side-effect of that.


Who cares what he thinks? Haters gonna hate. It's what they do.

Okay, I have to throw the bible at you. CFA is a company claimed to be run by Christians. So.............. WWJD? Jesus took in some of the worst as his disciples. Jesus knew he could change men by example, not by ignoring ignorance. He forgave the prostitute rather than condemn her. He healed a Roman Centurion’s child. Even on the cross he forgave those who put him there.

Now, I’m not trying to preach. I know it's not what you would do, but it's what Christians do; it’s what we expect them to do, isn’t it? And doing this sort of shoves things down these zealots’ throats doesn’t it as to how wrong they are about Christians.