So, if interpretation is provided to each individual reader of scripture by God Himself, why don't we all interpret scripture the same way? One could say then that around 1517 when men started "interpreting scripture" in such a way that "he" thought that perhaps what the Holy Spirit "really" meant "this" instead of "that" this is where it all went wrong...
OK... look at ...
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
God has unlimited miracles at His disposal. One miracle is that people are still reading His Word after all this time. Another miracle is that churches filled with humans who are diligently studying and teaching His Word. It's a miracle when two or more people read the same words and interpret those words in the same way.
I've learned over the years that there are a lot of preachers and teachers in all kinds of churches who are way off base in their interpretation. That's why I bring my thumper with me. I listen to what the preacher or teacher is saying and then I read the verses for myself and prayerfully test them to make sure the teaching goes along with the Word.
IMHO, humans make mistakes. IMHO, humans also deceive. IMHO, we should never ever take any interpretation of Bible passage for granted. One of the
commentaries I use says this.
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (
1 John 4:1).
In this verse believers are commanded to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” This same command is echoed in other parts of Scripture as well. For example, in
1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 we find Paul exhorting the Christians to not “despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good.”
These two passages are just a few of the many that warn Christians to test the message that people or spirits proclaim. This is true in all situations but most importantly when a person or spirit is claiming to speak for God. Christians are to be discerning hearers and readers of all messages. The reason for the admonition to “test the spirits” or “test all things” is that there are “many false prophets” or “wolves in sheep’s clothing” that try to lead Christians astray. Sadly, there are many people who claim to speak for God who are presenting a false gospel that is powerless to save. Such errant teaching leaves people with a false hope of salvation and, in a way, inoculates them from the true message. People who are deceived into thinking everything is fine will be more resistant to the truth.
So if the scriptures include verses that warn us about those who would distort the Word of God.... it makes sense that we are supposed to prayerfully read the Word for ourselves. If we're supposed to "test the spirits to see whether they are from God" then we must be capable of interpretation on a personal level. IMHO, humans are not only capable of prayerful interpretation, humans are called to do it.
Before writing this reply I said a prayer that God would give me the words He wants me to use. Once again I'm brought back to
Mark 9:40.
Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us
38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”
39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40 for whoever is not against us is for us. 41 Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.
God thought of everything.... even having the Holy Spirit to shine light on Scripture so that we could interpret it and apply it to our everyday life. That's a miracle, IMHO