Liberals Boycott Gay Hotel


PREMO Member
Boycott Fire Island Pines Establishments & Out NYC Hotel

because they dared host a reception for Ted Cruz

Two Gay Businessmen Host A Reception For Ted Cruz, And Liberals Show Their True Colors

The New York Times recently ran an article about some people who held a reception for Ted Cruz. Except it wasn’t just any people. No. It was held at the home of two gay businessmen, Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass.

HOW CAN THAT BE?! I can’t! And if you recall, liberals can’t comprehend someone being gay and being conservative– or being nice to a conservative, for that matter. Just like they don’t believe it’s possible to be black and conservative. They’re just really sweet, tolerant and open-minded like that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruce Jenner is a Republican and a self-described conservative. That wet popping sound you hear is liberal heads exploding.


Well-Known Member
Bruce Jenner is a Republican and a self-described conservative. That wet popping sound you hear is liberal heads exploding.

Yes, but he is also mentally ill.

Sometimes I think we all are. We fell for Republicans enough to put them in the majority and they F**ked us again.


PREMO Member
Militant Progressives Message to America: Even Gays Will Be Made To Care

If you thought it would end with small town pizza parlors in Indiana and Oregon cake bakers, you would be wrong. The enforcement of militant liberal orthodoxy, having claimed a few scalps from moderate-income Christian business owners, now sets its sights even higher.

Our Editor Erick said over two years ago that “You Will Be Made To Care” and most people thought he was speaking just to evangelical Christians. Who would have guessed such a short time ago that the leftist thought police had much bigger plans in store. Everyone, and I mean everyone, will be brought to heel.

The story goes like this. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the mainstream media’s boogey man, we all know that. So it was with shock, awe and a healthy dose of condescension that the New York Times published this piece about the Senator attending a dinner at the home of two rich gay guys in New York City last Monday. By all accounts, the event was not a fundraiser, but an opportunity to discuss mainly foreign policy.

This may come as a shock to some, but gay people do have interests outside the issue of gay marriage. Many are business people who care about lower taxes and less government, and many conservative gays think some sort Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage is as close to a fait accompli as we are likely to see in our lifetime. They are concerned with other issues as well, and are looking for a candidate that can lead America toward a bright future.


Well-Known Member
"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend." - Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800

You know, I was reading this article this morning - - where the author bemoans the observation that campuses are becoming much too politically correct and much less tolerant of differing views. That it used to be that campuses were THE forum for differing views to appear (BTW - your mileage may vary. I went to a very conservative engineering school and then to a very liberal university. You may have heard different views, but they were not always welcome). I can understand that - colleges are intended to be a crucible for learning, where different ideas are subjected to testing and scrutiny. It can be an exciting time for any young adult, who despite years of school may only then become exposed to a world they had previously been indifferent to.

And it rightly points out, this is changing more and more.

But when I reached the bottom of the article, one nagging thing tugged at the back of my mind - it's rare anymore that I hear of someone being disinvited, someone being boycotted, someone being protested and people agonizing over what they might say - because they're too liberal. I am sure this stuff must happen - I've been around various churches all my life, and I know religious groups are quick to step up when something plops on their front lawn. But it's nowhere near as common as the opposite - liberals wanting to shout down, boot out or exclude someone because their opinion is - "just so wrong".

Liberals always want to congratulate themselves for being tolerant. But they're no such thing. Tolerant is when someone says something that makes your blood boil - and you give them the room to do it, freely, because of your respect for that freedom. It does not mean you must stay silent, but you do allow them to say what they want. As someone on here has quoted me - my voice is as free as anyone else's, and I won't let someone else stop me from using it.

It seems to me if you REALLY want idiotic ideas to die in the cradle - you give them free reign. Once everyone knows it's bull####, it dies a quick death.


Well-Known Member

Good article. I liked this line - " If they want to change the world, how will they learn to persuade people to join them?"

Indeed. In prepping a witness, a lawyer bombards them with challenging questions they might encounter.
How on earth can you ever hope to defend your position - or persuade others - or even KNOW what you believe yourself - if your primary means of
debate is to insult your opponent and tell them to just shut up?


PREMO Member
But when I reached the bottom of the article, one nagging thing tugged at the back of my mind - it's rare anymore that I hear of someone being disinvited, someone being boycotted, someone being protested and people agonizing over what they might say - because they're too liberal.

Liberals always want to congratulate themselves for being tolerant. But they're no such thing. Tolerant is when someone says something that makes your blood boil - and you give them the room to do it, freely, because of your respect for that freedom. It does not mean you must stay silent, but you do allow them to say what they want.

Black Conservatives get Oreos thrown at them, campus intellectuals pat themselves on the back, when the create an environment so toxic in a venue, a visiting Conservative has to cancel a speech .... students whom would answer a teacher with an Ideal based on Conservative thinking get told, change your attitude or fail


Well-Known Member
Black Conservatives get Oreos thrown at them, campus intellectuals pat themselves on the back, when the create an environment so toxic in a venue, a visiting Conservative has to cancel a speech .... students whom would answer a teacher with an Ideal based on Conservative thinking get told, change your attitude or fail

And I've said this before - do you know what other environment this very strongly resembles? And I would know - was part of one for a decade.

A cult.

With all the conformity, the arbitrary rules, and so forth, the one thing that stood above everything else was - you did NOT break with the leaders and the cherished beliefs of the cult. You do NOT challenge even obvious hypocrisy. You DO change your opinion and attitude so that you tell yourself - it's ok, it's for a good reason, the salvation of the entire world. You ignore obvious facts and your own observations, you question your own logic and judgment and in some cases - you go AGAINST the plainly written Scripture which you supposedly all revere if it doesn't fit what your leaders tell you.

You do not tolerate the views OUTSIDE the cult except possibly to just keep your trap shut when they're mentioned. Even though you view everyone outside your cult as "lost" and in need of the cult's help - you hold a mild disdain for them and their behavior.

I was JUST on the Facebook page of one of this cult's leaders, and in the comments, a member had the temerity to address the hypocrisy of soliciting funds for charity when it was clearly intended to pay for a leader's trip to a missions conference. He was told to shut up if he didn't have anything "useful" to say. Said member returned with a "like" for the chastisement. Ugh. I used to be like that.


PREMO Member
And I've said this before - do you know what other environment this very strongly resembles? And I would know - was part of one for a decade.

A cult.

With all the conformity, the arbitrary rules, and so forth, the one thing that stood above everything else was - you did NOT break with the leaders and the cherished beliefs of the cult.

indeed ... especially the Climate Change Folks
.... and watching the Greenies fighting with the Bunny Huggers over Wind Mills, pure JOY

now we get to watch the UNION Coal Miners in Appalachia, figure out what they are going to do for work, after supporting the UNION Tick of Barack :killingme