Speech and The GOP


PREMO Member
EXCLUSIVE–Pamela Geller Calls Out Cowardly Conservatives, Says She’ll Organize Another Free Speech Event in Near Future **FULL IMAGE GALLERY**

Breitbart News: Even some conservative columnists and a potential presidential candidate (Donald Trump) have resorted to personal attacks against you as a preface before arguing in defense of free speech. Why do you feel that so many have come to attack the messenger?

Pamela Geller: This is the problem with the conservatives. This is why we can never nominate qualified, brave, true conservative candidates. The conservative movement has trimmed to accommodate the leftist media so much that they’ve trimmed themselves out of principle. They attack me because they’re desperately afraid that the leftist media will smear them by association with me. It is an act of sheer cowardice.


Breitbart News: In their condemnation of the jihadi attack in Garland, Texas, groups such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) seemingly equated your free-speech advocacy with the terrorists’ attempted mass murder. What do you believe motivates their campaign to delegitimize your work?

Pamela Geller: Hamas-tied CAIR and other groups like it relentlessly defame and demonize not just me, but anyone and everyone who dares to say a negative word about jihad terror. They are trying to delegitimize and destroy anyone who resists jihad terror, and to show others that the same fate awaits them if they dare step out of line.

Breitbart News: Does the Left apply a double standard when it comes to criticism of Islam and its reporting on the events that unfold in the Islamic world?

Pamela Geller: Certainly. It is a matter of policy: several years ago I wrote an article about how the Society of Professional Journalists issued guidelines after 9/11 that forbid journalists from any reportage that would associate Islam with jihad terrorism. They always report on jihad attacks as perpetrated by “militants,” “insurgents,” and the like, and do all they can to obscure the Islamic ideology and motivations of the perpetrators.

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