Teen leaps 4 stories after eating marijuana cookie


Well-Known Member
Repeat after me:
- nobody has ever died from pot
- legalizing it will be all rainbows and puppydogs
- all the bad effects are from it being illegal


Unto dust we shall return
Repeat after me:
- nobody has ever died from pot
- legalizing it will be all rainbows and puppydogs
- all the bad effects are from it being illegal

Of course a supplicant media tees it up for you and you take the bait like an Ethiopian fish.

This has nothing to do with marijuana being legal or even the kid eating too much. As often is the case with alcohol, this has everything to do with an adult giving drugs to a minor.

I bet you're one of those "fully informed voters", orangya?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Of course a supplicant media tees it up for you and you take the bait like an Ethiopian fish.

This has nothing to do with marijuana being legal or even the kid eating too much. As often is the case with alcohol, this has everything to do with an adult giving drugs to a minor.

I bet you're one of those "fully informed voters", orangya?

Somewhere, over your rainbow......


Well-Known Member
Repeat after me:
- nobody has ever died from pot
- legalizing it will be all rainbows and puppydogs
- all the bad effects are from it being illegal

natural selection.jpg


Well-Known Member
Of course a supplicant media tees it up for you and you take the bait like an Ethiopian fish.

This is the second case of someone going off a roof after over-doing it on the edibles. The other one was a college student from Nebraska iirc.

This has nothing to do with marijuana being legal or even the kid eating too much. As often is the case with alcohol, this has everything to do with an adult giving drugs to a minor.

It has everything to do with it. Those highly concentrated edibles are a product of the legal MJ trade. THC oil is an uncommon product on the illegal market. Also, with it being legal, the threshold to give access to minors is lower than in the settings where the adult has to break the law first to obtain the drug.

I bet you're one of those "fully informed voters", orangya?

Having worked in the field of drug research and drug treatment, I consider myself reasonably well informed on this issue.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just for the purpose of gathering info to form an informed opinion, how many deaths from ARI's in the last month? Week? 24 hours? 15 minutes?


Unto dust we shall return
This is the second case of someone going off a roof after over-doing it on the edibles. The other one was a college student from Nebraska iirc.

Oh. Two whole cases? Well that changes everything.

It has everything to do with it. Those highly concentrated edibles are a product of the legal MJ trade. THC oil is an uncommon product on the illegal market.

I can assure you with 100% certainty that is a false statement.


New Member
Repeat after me:
- nobody has ever died from pot
- legalizing it will be all rainbows and puppydogs
- all the bad effects are from it being illegal

So you are saying that we should depend on the government to look out for us and tell us what we can do and make everything that the government feels we shouldn't do illegal? Seems like something the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave should do. Goes right in line with the whole freedom motif we have. After all, the government is the best guardian of our freedoms.


Well-Known Member
So you are saying that we should depend on the government to look out for us and tell us what we can do and make everything that the government feels we shouldn't do illegal? Seems like something the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave should do. Goes right in line with the whole freedom motif we have. After all, the government is the best guardian of our freedoms.

No, I am not saying that. Not sure where you get that from.

I am saying that the people who have been telling us that pot is entirely harmless are liars.

I am all for legalizing the stuff, along with heroin, meth, cocaine and bath salts. We just shouldn't lie about it and claim that there won't be negative effects from legalization.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Anyone who uses pot, or has used pot, just pot by itself with no other stimulant, will tell you all it makes you is mellow, chills you out and provides a lovely wash of body relaxation and a gentle mental uplift. No one can overdose from pot. If you weighed 140 pounds you would need to take in over 4 pounds of marijuana at once and this still has not been proven to be a fatal dosage. This is nothing but sensationalism, "Officials determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor to the man's death. An autopsy found that the man's blood levels of THC were above the legal limit for driving a car in Colorado." So did he drive a car off the balcony? Instead why not tell us the actual THC level in his blood?
Was he also drinking or have any other drugs in his system? The article doesn't mention if he was or wasn't. The hit piece is poorly written and screams of booga booga booga. Pot bad ... government good.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who uses pot, or has used pot, just pot by itself with no other stimulant, will tell you all it makes you is mellow, chills you out and provides a lovely wash of body relaxation and a gentle mental uplift.

And occasionally it makes people paranoid, hallucinating and psychotic. Just because you like the buzz does not mean that it can't have negative effects on others who use it.

No one can overdose from pot.

In a strict pharmacological sense, that is pretty much true, certainly if the intake route is limited to smoking or eating product produced with the herb itself rather than concentrates. So far, potheads have had the good sense of not ingesting entire bottles of the highly concentrated (30-50%) THC extracts used to make edibles. We'll find out once one of them ingests a couple of grams of THC whether the 'no one can overdose from pot' mantra holds true.

Plenty of people have hurt themselves and others in recent years trying to extract THC in home-labs using Butane in a open-loop system. At times, 1/2 the burn unit at UC davis is filled with BHO producers. Then you have the surge of hospital admissions of kids in the western states who got their hands on the wrong kind of brownies. The thing with THC induced psychosis is that none of the usual anti-psychotics seem to touch it. You just have to keep them from hurting themselves for however long it takes to wash out of the system. Since 1999, the percentage of drivers in fatal collisions who had cannabinoids in the drug-screen doubled from 6.1% to 12.3% (still some way to catch up to the 40% with alcohol) and for some reason most of the young men who died after they fought with the police in the recent well publicized incidents had cannabis in their system.

But no, its completely harmless. It only makes you happy, happy, happy and maybe hungry. Right ?