The Rapture was taught by early Church Fathers.
Irenaeus, AD 170
Ancient Church Fathers (What the Disciples of the Apostles taught) by Ken Johnson Th.d.
See page 105.
So then I looked the quote up that didn't have a Bible verse attached and I found this:
This book is one of the best defenses I have read on the rapture and there is a lot more evidence than I am quoting.
Irenaeus, AD 170
Against Heresies 5.29 - When in the end that church will suddenly be caught up from this, it is said, "There will be tribulation such as not been since the beginning, nor will be."
Tertullian, AD 207
Against Marcion 5.16 He [Paul] says those who remain unto the coming of Christ along with the dead in Christ, will rise first, being "caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, "...By the mouth of Isaiah, it was said long ago "who are these who fly like clouds unto me, as doves with their young ones?"
Ancient Church Fathers (What the Disciples of the Apostles taught) by Ken Johnson Th.d.
See page 105.
So then I looked the quote up that didn't have a Bible verse attached and I found this:
Isaiah 60:8 Commentaries: "Who are these who fly like a cloud And like the doves to their lattices?
This book is one of the best defenses I have read on the rapture and there is a lot more evidence than I am quoting.