A headkine on NBC's website....


Well-Known Member
Like Clinton, Bernie Sanders Shifts Left on Key Issues »

ummmm, just how far left can one go? Is this new to NBC ?


Well-Known Member
Stalin left

It's hard for me to believe that Bernie Sanders is the number two person running for the nomination from the Democratic party for President.

Hillary and Bernie Sanders---this is the best they have?

We are in a heap of trouble here folks.


It's hard for me to believe that Bernie Sanders is the number two person running for the nomination from the Democratic party for President.

Hillary and Bernie Sanders---this is the best they have?

We are in a heap of trouble here folks.

I've posted this quote on here too many times to remember; but folks don't seem to really pay it much mind; but you can be sure the communist machine has become a well-oiled machine:

"We will take America without firing a shot.......

We will BURY YOU!

We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.

We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within". - Nikita Khrushchev


Power with Control
Well, he was right of most liberals on gun laws. So he had to move a little on that. Hmmmmm, wasn't there one other thing?


New Member
It's hard for me to believe that Bernie Sanders is the number two person running for the nomination from the Democratic party for President.

Hillary and Bernie Sanders---this is the best they have?

We are in a heap of trouble here folks.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are any better??


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I would imagine there are plenty of voters who's views align with Trump's even if they wouldn't actually vote for him.

True that. But what surprised me about the results of that survey was how high the supposed "alignment" was between my answers and Trump's positions...when I don't recall seeing anything from Trump at all on maybe half of them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This survey will show you just how far left you are, and which candidate your views on the issues best align with.


Those surveys are impossible. 'Should the government increase environmental regulation to prevent global warming?" That's like asking "Should the government increase regulation to prevent the Easter Bunny?" No regulation can PREVENT global warming. Or cooling. It can HELP, to some extent, one way or the other but it can't prevent it. So, how does that question get scored? Anyone who says yes, or no, isn't a socialist or a capitalist. They just believe in the Eater bunny. So, how do you score that???


Material Girl
PREMO Member
True that. But what surprised me about the results of that survey was how high the supposed "alignment" was between my answers and Trump's positions...when I don't recall seeing anything from Trump at all on maybe half of them.

Trump probably bought the survey company. :dye:
Those surveys are impossible. 'Should the government increase environmental regulation to prevent global warming?" That's like asking "Should the government increase regulation to prevent the Easter Bunny?" No regulation can PREVENT global warming. Or cooling. It can HELP, to some extent, one way or the other but it can't prevent it. So, how does that question get scored? Anyone who says yes, or no, isn't a socialist or a capitalist. They just believe in the Eater bunny. So, how do you score that???

You obviously have a serious problem with the Easter Bunny.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I thought obama was the Easter Bunny, the way he lights up his nest in all those pretty rainbow colors. What's farther left than that?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Tends to drive too slow in fast lane...

That accident wasn't entirely your fault.

Easter might be cancelled.jpg