Soul Probe
My opinion -- I agree with the priest, this was obviously not of God; however, I'd be willing to bet that the members of Word of Life certainly thought it was, they felt justified by scripture, and that their interpretation of scripture was absolutely correct. This is the kind of crap that happens when everyone is their own authority on scripture as per Protestant doctrine.
NEW HARTFORD, N.Y. — To its neighbors in this upstate town, Word of Life Christian Church presented itself as a constant curiosity: an imposing but tidy former schoolhouse whose occupants kept to themselves, almost never opening their doors or their mouths, secluded behind a closed entrance.
Over the last three days, however, the inner life of that secretive sect suddenly spilled into the outside world. On Sunday evening, the authorities said, two teenagers — brothers and the sons of two members of Word of Life — were called into a sanctuary and savagely beaten by at least a half-dozen people, including their parents and older half sister.
“Both brothers were continually subjected to physical punishment over the course of several hours, in hopes that each would confess to prior sins and ask for forgiveness,” Chief Michael S. Inserra of the New Hartford Police Department said at a news conference on Wednesday.
It is not clear what those sins were, but for several hours, into Monday morning, punches and kicks landed on the brothers’ stomachs, genitals, backs and thighs, as the so-called counseling session turned into a case of manslaughter and assault.
The Rev. Abraham L. Esper, the pastor at St. Patrick’s-St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic Church next door, said he periodically heard church members playing drums or saw them doing work in the yard or on the roof, often with children in tow.
At the front door of Word of God, several Bible verses were posted, including one from the book of I John: “God is Light, in Him is no darkness at all.”
Like many here, Mr. Esper rejected the assertion that the Word of God was a real church.
“This is not of God,” he said of the activities next door. “If this was of God, there would be growth. Not destruction.”
My opinion -- I agree with the priest, this was obviously not of God; however, I'd be willing to bet that the members of Word of Life certainly thought it was, they felt justified by scripture, and that their interpretation of scripture was absolutely correct. This is the kind of crap that happens when everyone is their own authority on scripture as per Protestant doctrine.