Exiting NAS PAX Gate 1


Well-Known Member
Unless I am mistaken there is only one left turn lane, but I can't tell you how many times I have seen people in the "go straight" lane turning left and almost hit someone. This morning it was someone in a mini van a few days ago it was a base cop.


Active Member
Speaking of leaving gate 1, I was leaving to make a right turn in the leftmost turn lane and the left turn/straight lights turned red. I started to stop totally brain farting that the right turn lights were still green above my head. Oops.


Well-Known Member
Looking at Google Maps and Bing Maps it sure looks like there is only a single left turn lane.

The street view on Bing maps shows the arrow is really worn though.

Gate 1_1.jpg gate1_3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Unless I am mistaken there is only one left turn lane, but I can't tell you how many times I have seen people in the "go straight" lane turning left and almost hit someone. This morning it was someone in a mini van a few days ago it was a base cop.

They make up their own rules down here.


Active Member
There is only one left turn lane out of gate 1. Hate it when that happens.

What's nearly gotten me several times is people on 235 making a U-turn (from 235S to 235N) while people are going right out of gate 1. There are several signs that say no U-turns there!

The other one is coming from Pegg towards gate 1. The lanes are left turn only, left turn/straight, straight only, and right turn only. I nearly got flattened by a dump truck going left out of the straight only lane.


Well-Known Member
Unless I am mistaken there is only one left turn lane, but I can't tell you how many times I have seen people in the "go straight" lane turning left and almost hit someone. This morning it was someone in a mini van a few days ago it was a base cop.

I was in the left turn lane at Chancellors to turn on Great Mills rd, that lane is the only left turn lane too. Dude next to me is in the straight lane and turned left. Good thing I wanted to stay in the left lane after my turn. People are not paying attention or they think their sheit don't stink. Maybe its just plain old stupidity.


Coming out of gate one the signs line up correctly (if anyone bothers to read them). Going from Pegg into gate 1 there is a mismatch between the number of signs and the number of lanes, which can lead to confusion. I have also personally witnessed 5 or 6 crashes from people cutting into the right turn lane at the last moment (I guess deciding to try their luck with gates 2 or 3) and then hitting someone exiting the Shell station.


Power with Control
That's a thing I don't get. I carefully choose my exits and entrances into places or other trip routing to deconflict with other traffic. I never exit that gas station on the northern side for that reason. When entering Wal-Mart from the south, I take the left of the two lanes into the parking lot and head back down by the garden center, because that "top" eastern part of the lot is a gaggle eff. I never leave Lowes by the Pier One exit trying to go out to 235. Coming north out of Gate 2, I avoid that leftmost lane, as I know people coming off of Shangri-La will be entering that lane. Leaving Best Buy going south, I will hang a right and go out through K-Marts lot. So much crap caused by people willingly trying to butt heads with the traffic flow.


Well-Known Member
1) Give the car ahead of you plenty of room.


3) Your vehicle has mirrors and clear glass for a reason.....USE 'EM!)

4) Keep your head on a swivel
Because many times, those that don't signal are the one's that will cut you off to get in the lane farthest away; usually a turn lane.


New Member
Order of importance for driving in SOMD:

1) Convenience for the driver
2) Convenience for the driver
3) Convenience for the driver
57) Driving laws
1002) Common sense


Well-Known Member
Order of importance for driving in SOMD:

1) Convenience for the driver
2) Convenience for the driver
3) Convenience for the driver
57) Driving laws
1002) Common sense

1 thru 3 translation: "SCREW YOU.....HOORAY FOR ME!"
Common sense? Not 'round here.


New Member
Was riding back in a car onto the base into Gate 1 today after getting lunch. Some woman was in the right-most left turn lane (knowing that lane was not open at the gate obviously and only trying to get ahead of everyone) and the driver of the car I was in decided not to let her jump in front of us.

Last I looked, we were up to 63MPH before the woman finally gave up, shot US a dirty look, and pulled in behind us.

That is the mentality of a lot of drivers here. They know they are wrong but because you did not make way for THEM... you are the a-hole!


Well-Known Member
Was riding back in a car onto the base into Gate 1 today after getting lunch. Some woman was in the right-most left turn lane (knowing that lane was not open at the gate obviously and only trying to get ahead of everyone) and the driver of the car I was in decided not to let her jump in front of us.

Last I looked, we were up to 63MPH before the woman finally gave up, shot US a dirty look, and pulled in behind us.

That is the mentality of a lot of drivers here. They know they are wrong but because you did not make way for THEM... you are the a-hole!

That happens a lot from Route 5 to Route 4 from L'town. People KNOW that merge lane ends, but they ride alongside you, expecting you to slow down to let them in, then bust a** to get in front of you.....while leaning on the horn.....sorry, that's L'town.


Power with Control
Was riding back in a car onto the base into Gate 1 today after getting lunch. Some woman was in the right-most left turn lane (knowing that lane was not open at the gate obviously and only trying to get ahead of everyone) and the driver of the car I was in decided not to let her jump in front of us.

Last I looked, we were up to 63MPH before the woman finally gave up, shot US a dirty look, and pulled in behind us.

That is the mentality of a lot of drivers here. They know they are wrong but because you did not make way for THEM... you are the a-hole!

To be fair, you really do not know if that right lane is open or not until you get pretty close. I've always said there should be a status indicator like the Bay Bridge uses. Having it only on the gas station roof is a bit silly.


New Member
To be fair, you really do not know if that right lane is open or not until you get pretty close. I've always said there should be a status indicator like the Bay Bridge uses. Having it only on the gas station roof is a bit silly.

Well, the guy who was driving said that anyone who has worked on there for any extended period knows what is what...

Apparently, the time we were going on there (around 10:45) was not the time for other lanes to be open.


Well-Known Member
Was riding back in a car onto the base into Gate 1 today after getting lunch. Some woman was in the right-most left turn lane (knowing that lane was not open at the gate obviously and only trying to get ahead of everyone) and the driver of the car I was in decided not to let her jump in front of us.

Last I looked, we were up to 63MPH before the woman finally gave up, shot US a dirty look, and pulled in behind us.

That is the mentality of a lot of drivers here. They know they are wrong but because you did not make way for THEM... you are the a-hole!

Well, maybe if you didn't take that thirty minute lunch break that lasts over an hour, you wouldn't have that problem.


Power with Control
Well, the guy who was driving said that anyone who has worked on there for any extended period knows what is what...

Apparently, the time we were going on there (around 10:45) was not the time for other lanes to be open.

At lunchtime, although coming back from lunch at 1030 seems a bit early, not many would consider that to be a possible time to be coming back from lunch, those lanes open and close almost at random. SO to say anyone knows when it's down to one lane between say 1100 and 1300 might not be as accurate as that driver said.


At lunchtime, although coming back from lunch at 1030 seems a bit early, not many would consider that to be a possible time to be coming back from lunch, those lanes open and close almost at random. SO to say anyone knows when it's down to one lane between say 1100 and 1300 might not be as accurate as that driver said.

Which is why I will let someone over if they start signaling as soon as the light is visible, but not if they wait until 2 car lengths from the gate.


New Member
Well, maybe if you didn't take that thirty minute lunch break that lasts over an hour, you wouldn't have that problem.

I know... I know... it's our fault for doing what is right and being in the proper lane.

There is ALWAYS someone who blames the person doing the right thing.

At lunchtime, although coming back from lunch at 1030 seems a bit early, not many would consider that to be a possible time to be coming back from lunch, those lanes open and close almost at random. SO to say anyone knows when it's down to one lane between say 1100 and 1300 might not be as accurate as that driver said.

Well, judging by the fact that we were doing over 60MPH BEFORE anyone could see the status of the gates... I would say that this person already knew that only one lane was open so I do not think they were hoping for a random opening.

As soon as the light turned green, they jumped on the gas and didn't let up until they realized that the driver in our car wasn't going to let them over. It was just a classic case of trying to get ahead of everyone and getting put in their place.


Power with Control
They should have a more capable car, and/or have better judgment. If we get to 40 and you wont let me in, I'll drop back, because you can pre pretty sure by them there's about a two car length gap behind you:)