Ah, those wacky irrefutable speed cameras, such kidders....


Power with Control

A couple of cliff notes here.

1. The cameras are fallible. And internal self tests are the only regular tests any of these units get. Which tests are monitored by the for-profit vendor who owns them.

2. Even though the state requires all citations to go through a review by a sworn officer, when the govt wants a check on validity, they go back to the for-profit vendor.

3. Any question as to accuracy gets a simple "Nope, working as advertised". Unless, of course, you are another county agency who can back up your drivers story with onboard GPS, then they wont admit error, just cancel the citation.

Of course, the fact that the system can cite a stopped van as going 12 over the limit says by it's very existence that it is possible to get am erroneous reading from these


If I may ...
If I may ...

And, still, even with all the evidence NOT to have them, our illustrious county leaders, Calvert County being one, decide to have a go at it anyway and push through a speed camera program, because, well, it's for the children.


Power with Control
Yep, gotta save the kids. Don't ask what kids, because of course, there are not any examples of kids in Calvert being hurt by kids. Just sit back and bow to your new automated enforcement overlords :) And if you were to ask, why then you are just some kid hating speed demon who is angry at having your kid-running-over plot foiled by the forces of safety......