Some Speech is more Special than Others - LBGT, School


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ICYMI: LGBT Shirts Now Trump American Flag Shirts in Public Schools

Young contacted the ACLU, which promptly filed a lawsuit against the school. James Esseks, director of the LGBT and HIV Project for the ACLU of Tennessee, wrote on the ACLU's website, "Predictably, a federal judge issued a preliminary ruling yesterday that the principal's censorship violates Rebecca's free speech rights."

Judge Kevin H. Sharp ruled, "the legal ground covering these issues is so well-trod that the Court finds itself surprised at the need to journey down this path." Sharp went on to say that LGBT speech "is speech on a purely political topic, which falls clearly within the ambit of the First Amendment's protection."

It would seem that what is good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. In March of 2015, the Supreme Court rejected a case beginning in California where several teens were sent home from school because they were wearing t-shirts adorned with the American flag. The teens claimed their free speech rights were violated and sued the school.

remember kiddies ....
The rules used to censor speech you don't agree with today, can be used by someone else to censor YOU Tomorrow