Did you know....


Well-Known Member
The "Q" in Qtips stands for quality?
The little platics tips on shoelaces are called aglets?
The plural for jellyfish is "smack" ?
Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's was an executive with KFC?
Each strand of silk on a corncob has a kernel?
The average life span of a baseball in a MLB game has only 7 pitches?

Good Day!


New Member
The plural of jellyfish is jellyfishes, smack is the 'collective noun' as in 'There was a smack of jellyfish at the beach yesterday.'


New Member
During it’s lifetime an oyster changes its sex from male to female and back several times.
Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously.
Daniel Boone hated coonskin caps.
More people speak English in China than the United States.
Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room during a dance.
A normal raindrop falls at about 7 miles per hour.
‘Stewardesses’ is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.

I got this off a useless facts website and did not fact check these so believe them to be true at your own risk. :whistle:


‘Stewardesses’ is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.

I'm pretty sure I can type any English word with my left hand. I just typed this entire post with only my left hand.


New Member
I'm pretty sure I can type any English word with my left hand. I just typed this entire post with only my left hand.

I believe the intent was a word that could be typed with only the left hand when a persons hands are in their home typing position. The word you typed has an m and n in it so it wouldn't qualify.


Well-Known Member
Sleep four hours a day and most of the other time they eat, about 75 pounds of food (grass, leaves etc) a day.
It's heart weighs 25 pounds and is two feet long
Up to 20 inch tongues (there are a few ladies I knew who I wish would have had this feature)
Only the female grows hair on top of the head


I believe the intent was a word that could be typed with only the left hand when a persons hands are in their home typing position. The word you typed has an m and n in it so it wouldn't qualify.

Oh I knew the intent. I was just pointing out that the wording was incorrect and made some assumptions (such as the use of a qwerty keyboard and basic touch typing rules, vs a dvorak keyboard or a one handed maltron keyboard)


Well-Known Member
Sleep four hours a day and most of the other time they eat, about 75 pounds of food (grass, leaves etc) a day.
It's heart weighs 25 pounds and is two feet long
Up to 20 inch tongues (there are a few ladies I knew who I wish would have had this feature)
Only the female grows hair on top of the head

What the hell are their horns for?

Their tongues are usually a dark purple from getting a suntan they are out of their mouths so much of their life.


Well-Known Member
What the hell are their horns for?

Their tongues are usually a dark purple from getting a suntan they are out of their mouths so much of their life.

Ossifications (not really horns) on the head of male giraffe add weight, which often increases with age enabling a bull to deliver ever heavier blows during sparring contests. Fatal combat is rare but does occur.


Land of the lost
Helicopters can't really fly. They are simply such ugly mechanical monstrosities that the earth rejects them.