Genesis 6 Pure Noah


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Genesis 6:9 This is the account of Noah and his family.

Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.​

This is from

This description of Noah - unique to him - not only refers to the righteous life of Noah, but also to the fact he was yet uncorrupted by Satan's attempt to sow a "virus" among the genetic pool of mankind. We could translate "perfect in his generations" as, "Noah was pure in his genetic profile."

Noah's three sons will figure into the account in a significant way. God will use them as a foundation for the rest of the human race.​

The easy English commentary has this to say.

‘There was no blame on him.’ This does not mean that Noah was perfect. He had certainly done things that were wrong. But he was a good man. And God had forgiven any wrong things that Noah had done​ adds this.

Probably Noah did not find favour in the eyes of men; they hated and persecuted him, because both by his life and preaching he condemned the world. But he found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and this was honour and comfort enough. God made more account of Noah than of all the world besides, and this made him greater and more truly honourable than all the giants that were in those days, who became mighty men and men of renown. Let this be the summit of our ambition, to find grace in the eyes of the Lord; herein let us labour, that, present or absent, we may be accepted of him,​
