10 minutes of CNN


professional daydreamer
cutting off people critical of Hillary



Well-Known Member
This morning at 5AM I lasted until 5:04. They believe in free speech but only toward themselves.


New Member
The post debate chatter on CNN was pretty stupid. Just people yelling at one another...the Trumpers attempts at explaining the "I won't concede" comments were beyond asinine. The Clintoners shouting about the "I won't concede" comments were just as asinine.

MSNBC and Fox were better at post debate coverage.

Probably comes down to Trump was a loser last night simply because he did nothing to get more people to vote for him...which he had to do. "Nasty woman" and "I won't concede" don't convey the mental fortitude of a President...neither did his rambling nonsense answers. (He's not creating 25 million jobs in 10 years...he's not going to push us to 4-5% GDP...all the things he says he never said---he did...) The man is not qualified.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
The post debate chatter on CNN was pretty stupid. Just people yelling at one another...the Trumpers attempts at explaining the "I won't concede" comments were beyond asinine. The Clintoners shouting about the "I won't concede" comments were just as asinine.

MSNBC and Fox were better at post debate coverage.

Probably comes down to Trump was a loser last night simply because he did nothing to get more people to vote for him...which he had to do. "Nasty woman" and "I won't concede" don't convey the mental fortitude of a President...neither did his rambling nonsense answers. (He's not creating 25 million jobs in 10 years...he's not going to push us to 4-5% GDP...all the things he says he never said---he did...) The man is not qualified.

You realize that you just said the a President should give up, quit, walk away when things get tough. Sounds like you're asking for Jimmy Carter to come back.