Everyday Feminism - Cure Your Toxic Whiteness for $ 99.00


PREMO Member
Feminists Want To Heal You Of Your 'Toxic Whiteness' . . . For A Small Fee

According to Everyday Feminism and most far-leftists, white people are indisputably "privileged" and are conditioned by society to harbor feelings of racism on some level. Some of the afflicted even believe silly things like white people can be on the receiving end of racism. Crazy, I know.

This online program tackles such victims of whiteness, offering each person "the tools to free yourself from toxic whiteness" so you can "begin developing an anti-racist white identity." The 10-week seminar will allow you to "acknowledge" the racism within you, which can be a "painful process," while empowering you to help fight the systemic racism and oppression allegedly plaguing America.

The feminists encourage their patrons to address the following question while healing their affliction: “How will I work towards undoing the racism I was raised with and have internalized?"


Per the site, here's exactly what you'll gain from the training program:

  • Identify the pain that’s behind your resistance and struggle to take action for racial justice
  • Give your pain the gentle, loving care and attention it deserves, while holding the space for others to do the same
  • Get back all the time and energy you normally spend on feeling confused, anxious, and angry with yourself and others around racism and direct them towards taking action instead
  • Stop being scared of discovering how you've been harmful and welcome the opportunity to hold yourself accountable in order to restore loving justice
  • Get alternatives to silencing yourself or coddling other people who are being harmful
  • Engage in dialogue with other people without letting fear drive you
  • Help other white people transform their ignorance and defensiveness into greater consciousness and motivation to act in that solidarity with people of color


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'd be curious to know how many people actually sign up for this seminar. They may be able to hold the meetings in a phone booth.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I thought there would be some botox, afro hair, and black face involved as well.....

Toxic whiteness should be cured by some physical change as well, right? If not, the charges of being an oreo will still be rampant in the black communi-tuh!