Unhinged Progbots


PREMO Member
Accosted by Passenger on JetBlue Flight

Ivanka was on a JetBlue flight leaving JFK Thursday morning with her family when a passenger started screaming, "Your father is ruining the country." The guy went on, "Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private." The guy had his kid in his arms as he went on the tirade.

A passenger on the flight tells TMZ Ivanka ignored the guy and tried distracting her kids with crayons.

JetBlue personnel escorted the unruly passenger off the flight. As he was removed he screamed, "You're kicking me off for expressing my opinion?!!"

BTW ... Ivanka, her family and bunch of cousins were all in coach.

Liberals cannot help but to give you their OPINION wanted or not

7:48 AM PT -- The husband of the unruly passenger tweeted an hour before the plane took off, "Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them."

someone should post this ass holes address online, so he can have 10,000 Trump Supporters standing in his front yard returning the favor


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
From the story:

JetBlue just released a statement, saying, "The decision to remove a customer from a flight is not taken lightly. If the crew determines that a customer is causing conflict on the aircraft, the customer will be asked to deplane, especially if the crew feels the situation runs the risk of escalation during flight. Our team worked to re-accommodate the party on the next available flight."

Yeah, I'm unhappy with this "resolution". So some psycho can attack passengers, and all that happens is he gets bumped to a different flight?


Not that ir really matters I guess, but I just want to confirm I read this right. The "husband" of the unruly passenger tweeted ..... my "husband" chasing them down...


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Totally ignored in the media handling of this assault is the fact the children were there and Ivanka tried to keep them unaware of the queer's complaints by distracting them with crayons. How soon will Bongboy post a comment asking why Ivanka trump and family were flying coach.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How soon will Bongboy post a comment asking why Ivanka trump and family were flying coach.

That question is already being asked, and I admit that I am curious about that as well. Especially with all the threats by the Left against her family, you'd think she'd be traveling more securely.


PREMO Member
Newsrooms are sanitizing that Ivanka harassment story

But despite the airline's statement, and the fact that one of the men involved specifically used the word "harass," some headlines have sanitized the reported incident to the point where it's basically a story about nothing.

Here is what Twitter user and Hunter College professor Matthew Lasner tweeted Thursday morning about his husband: "Ivanka and [her husband Jared Kushner] at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them. #banalityofevil."


From the Associated Press: "Man says he and husband removed from JetBlue flight after 'expressing displeasure' that Ivanka Trump was aboard."

From Yahoo News: "Man kicked off JetBlue flight for questioning why Ivanka Trump was on it."

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: "Passengers kicked off flight after run-in with Ivanka Trump."

From the Washington Post: "Passenger who confronted Ivanka Trump gets kicked off Jet Blue flight."

why is the guy saying anything ..... because he is an unhinged progbot - who has to get everyone they don' like their opinion
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PREMO Member
Rockette Phoebe Pearl said in an Instagram post Thursday night that she was “embarrassed and disappointed” to appear at the event.

“I usually don’t use social media to make a political stand but I feel overwhelmed with emotion,” Pearl wrote.

“Finding out that it has been decided for us that Rockettes will be performing at the Presidential inauguration makes me feel embarrassed and disappointed.”

Pearl said she felt uncomfortable about the performance, given Trump’s history with unsavory language and assault allegations.



Well-Known Member
Rockette Phoebe Pearl said in an Instagram post Thursday night that she was “embarrassed and disappointed” to appear at the event.

“I usually don’t use social media to make a political stand but I feel overwhelmed with emotion,” Pearl wrote.

“Finding out that it has been decided for us that Rockettes will be performing at the Presidential inauguration makes me feel embarrassed and disappointed.”

Pearl said she felt uncomfortable about the performance, given Trump’s history with unsavory language and assault allegations.


Sounds easy enough. Give her the day off that day. No one should be forced to do what they don't want to.
The Rockettes are a fairly large group. What's one less a-hole going to bother?


PREMO Member
Haters Gonna Hate

Reviews of the Ivanka Trump Women's Issa boots, which tout a list price of $180, included this: "These boots were perfect for wiping my feet on the Constitution and trampling the civil liberties and basic human rights of my fellow Americans," wrote a user named Susan Harper. "The spike heel is ideal for grinding democracy into the ground, or simply kicking the downtrodden as you stride past."

Amazon user AR called them "two extremely right boots" in her one star review and added that the "sizing and all other info is in Russian, but they are made in China."

The stinging insults go on and on. Virtually every Ivanka Trump product on Amazon has at least one scathing review designed as a barb against the businesswoman, particularly as she relates to her father's political agenda.

Rise of the 'Activist Reviews'

This is hardly the first time products on Amazon (which did not return request for comment) have been assailed by trolls — just recently Megyn Kelly's book "Settle For More" was targeted, and the site worked to scrub the hateful comments. These guerrilla attacks, if you will, have become more common in recent years.

"We've seen these 'activist reviews' for several years but they appear to be getting more common," said Jason "RetailGeek" Goldberg, ‎SVP commerce and content practice at Razorfish.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sounds easy enough. Give her the day off that day. No one should be forced to do what they don't want to.
The Rockettes are a fairly large group. What's one less a-hole going to bother?

She's an unprofessional ahole. If it were me, I'd fire her for good and put out the blacklist on her.

I think it's hilarious that she's all aflutter about Trump's "language" and "assault allegations". Let's be real: we all know that if she had ever met Trump she'd have her panties off in a flash, doing a Rockette high kick to get his attention.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I thought Presidential Children got SS Details ....

She does. Dan Bongino was on WMAL this morning and he said that he recognized an agent in one of the pictures which have been tweeted or posted. He said that typically, the SS do not get involved in this type of "venting" , that they are constantly observing and vigilant, but assessing scenarios all the time. In this case, Jet Blue handled it and that's the way the SS prefer it. I also read that Ivanka even said to one of the attendants who spoke to her that she "didn't want this to be a thing". Not to mention that her husband, Jared, was actually standing in the aisle right near her when this jerk-a** was behaving badly. So, they're just a class act all the way. :yay:



Well-Known Member
She's an unprofessional ahole. If it were me, I'd fire her for good and put out the blacklist on her.

I think it's hilarious that she's all aflutter about Trump's "language" and "assault allegations". Let's be real: we all know that if she had ever met Trump she'd have her panties off in a flash, doing a Rockette high kick to get his attention.

Probably how she got the job in the first place.


PREMO Member
Everyone should be treated with respect — unless you’re a Republican

The Trump hate has gone around the bend when the family of the president-elect is gleefully harassed.

The buzzword following Trump’s victory has been “normalization” — as if simply by pretending he isn’t president, then he won’t be. Katy Waldman had a piece in Slate on Wednesday noting that media, charged with covering the incoming administration, is doing its best on that front: “Wary of ‘normalizing’ the president-elect, yet condemned to document the perturbingly normal processes by which he is coming into power, journalists seem to have gone into full dissociative mode.”

This disassociation isn’t convincing the millions of Americans who voted for Trump that he’s any less legitimate. It hasn’t taken away any of the president’s power, or changed one of his policies. It’s just made liberals look more rude and out of touch.

The left is trying to turn the whole country into a liberal safe space — safe for them, dangerous for anyone who disagrees with them. They’ve lost their minds.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Rockette Phoebe Pearl said in an Instagram post Thursday night that she was “embarrassed and disappointed” to appear at the event.

Given the "Keep it to yourselves" of organizations like the Rockettes, I don't think Phoebe has to worry about making it to Washington, D.C. any time soon. She should also probably forget showing up at Radio City Music Hall as well.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
These people are infantile.

I still say that if such things were stated as publicly when Obama was elected - they would have been excoriated for being racist and their lives & livelyhoods would be destroyed.