Mars is the source of Climate Change after all....


Well-Known Member
Okay, it's actually called a "chaotic solar system".

Here's a breakdown:
quote inside said:
Using evidence from alternating layers of limestone and shale laid down over millions of years in a shallow North American seaway at the time dinosaurs held sway on Earth, the team led by UW–Madison Professor of Geoscience Stephen Meyers and Northwestern University Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences Brad Sageman discovered the 87 million-year-old signature of a “resonance transition” between Mars and Earth. A resonance transition is the consequence of the “butterfly effect” in chaos theory. It plays on the idea that small changes in the initial conditions of a nonlinear system can have large effects over time.

In the context of the solar system, the phenomenon occurs when two orbiting bodies periodically tug at one another, as occurs when a planet in its track around the sun passes in relative proximity to another planet in its own orbit. These small but regular ticks in a planet’s orbit can exert big changes on the location and orientation of a planet on its axis relative to the sun and, accordingly, change the amount of solar radiation a planet receives over a given area. Where and how much solar radiation a planet gets is a key driver of climate.


But, comes from a University of WI-Madison study:

The finding, published Feb. 23, 2017 in the journal Nature, is important because it provides the first hard proof for what scientists call the “chaotic solar system,” a theory proposed in 1989 to account for small variations in the present conditions of the solar system. The variations, playing out over many millions of years, produce big changes in our planet’s climate — changes that can be reflected in the rocks that record Earth’s history.

Geoscience Professor Stephen Meyers. © GIGI COHEN

The discovery promises not only a better understanding of the mechanics of the solar system, but also a more precise measuring stick for geologic time. Moreover, it offers a better understanding of the link between orbital variations and climate change over geologic time scales.

Interesting stuff. I guess I'll keep my pickup truck.


Well-Known Member
So... in short...

That's a NO to cars, coal burning, and cow farts?

Absolutely. It would seem the pull of Mars every few hundred millennia "adjusts" how we and the sun see one another, our climate shifts. Each time is a little different than last time because the shifts aren't consistent, but that's pretty much it.

Light the grill tonight for a corn-fed steak brought to your grocer by a big diesel semi. Ain't gonna change a thing.


PREMO Member
Might I suggest the CC folks head to Mars immediately and begin protesting.


Well-Known Member
This can't be. People are the cause of climate change. People cannot move Mars.

This has to be wrong.


Well-Known Member
This can't be. People are the cause of climate change. People cannot move Mars.

This has to be wrong.

Cow farts and greenhouse gases are causing Mars to wobble on its axis.

Just go with it; otherwise you're racist. Or something.