Slain SEAL’s dad wants answers: ‘Don’t hide behind my son’s death’


Ubi bene ibi patria
When they brought William “Ryan” Owens home, the Navy SEAL was carried from a C-17 military plane in a flag-draped casket, onto the tarmac at Dover Air Force Base, as President Donald Trump, his daughter, Ivanka, and Owens’ family paid their respects.

It was a private transfer, as the family had requested. No media and no bystanders, except for some military dignitaries.

Owens’ father, Bill, had learned only a short time before the ceremony that Trump was coming. Owens was sitting with his wife, Marie, and other family members in the solemn, living room-like space where the loved ones of the fallen assemble before they are taken to the flight line.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to see him,’’ Owens recalled telling the chaplain who informed him that Trump was on his way from Washington. “I told them I don’t want to meet the President.”

It had been little more than 24 hours since six officers in dress uniform knocked on the door to Owens’ home in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea. It was not yet daylight when he answered the door, already knowing in the pit of his stomach what they had come to tell him. "



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
When they brought William “Ryan” Owens home, the Navy SEAL was carried from a C-17 military plane in a flag-draped casket, onto the tarmac at Dover Air Force Base, as President Donald Trump, his daughter, Ivanka, and Owens’ family paid their respects.

It was a private transfer, as the family had requested. No media and no bystanders, except for some military dignitaries.

Owens’ father, Bill, had learned only a short time before the ceremony that Trump was coming. Owens was sitting with his wife, Marie, and other family members in the solemn, living room-like space where the loved ones of the fallen assemble before they are taken to the flight line.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to see him,’’ Owens recalled telling the chaplain who informed him that Trump was on his way from Washington. “I told them I don’t want to meet the President.”

It had been little more than 24 hours since six officers in dress uniform knocked on the door to Owens’ home in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea. It was not yet daylight when he answered the door, already knowing in the pit of his stomach what they had come to tell him. "

No he doesn't, he wants to score points politically and he's not above using his dead son to do it.


God bless the USA
No he doesn't, he wants to score points politically and he's not above using his dead son to do it.

I am having trouble sleeping, and was thinking about your post. I disagree with you on this. The shock of losing a child is awful. No one reacts well to that. I don't think the dad's reaction was wrong (to not meet with the prez). I do think Trump's reaction was right (to go there to witness the brave soldier's return). I don't think the dad's reaction is political. His reaction is out of grief, shock, sorrow, and anger. At least, Trump went to honor the soldier that died. Obama didn't bother himself with that stuff. If you enter the military, you know what might happen. William Ryan Owens is a hero, and we should remember him for that; politics aside.


Oh wait! You must have been being sarcastic and I totally missed that. Sorry. This whole jihadi war reminds me of the Viet Nam war; which was political. Johnson was an ass, and so was/is Obama. All of it pisses me off!
And, just for the record, I still believe Johnson had Kennedy assassinated.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I am having trouble sleeping, and was thinking about your post. I disagree with you on this. The shock of losing a child is awful. No one reacts well to that. I don't think the dad's reaction was wrong (to not meet with the prez). I do think Trump's reaction was right (to go there to witness the brave soldier's return). I don't think the dad's reaction is political. His reaction is out of grief, shock, sorrow, and anger. At least, Trump went to honor the soldier that died. Obama didn't bother himself with that stuff. If you enter the military, you know what might happen. William Ryan Owens is a hero, and we should remember him for that; politics aside.


Oh wait! You must have been being sarcastic and I totally missed that. Sorry. This whole jihadi war reminds me of the Viet Nam war; which was political. Johnson was an ass, and so was/is Obama. All of it pisses me off!
And, just for the record, I still believe Johnson had Kennedy assassinated.

No I was completely serious, but you didn't make it past the headline of he didn't want to meet Trump, this is the part I'm talking about.

“Why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasn’t even barely a week into his administration? Why? For two years prior, there were no boots on the ground in Yemen — everything was missiles and drones — because there was not a target worth one American life. Now, all of a sudden we had to make this grand display?’’



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
No I was completely serious, but you didn't make it past the headline of he didn't want to meet Trump, this is the part I'm talking about.

I know that grief can cause people to do and say things that they might not normally say. However, I think the statement to the reporter is definitely his way of making a political statement, as is the purposeful act of NOT wanting to meet the President of the US when he comes to pay his respects to your son. It said in the article that other family members did meet with the President, so there were mixed opinions and feelings in the family, for sure.

The father has a right to feel however he feels in his grief and he has a right to say whatever he wants to a reporter. BUT, he doesn't get to blame the POTUS "for making this political". The POTUS is making decisions based on information given to him by military people, who were in the military long before he became POTUS, and decisions which, even for the POTUS, are made in the duty of his office as President.

The father is the one making it political.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I know that grief can cause people to do and say things that they might not normally say. However, I think the statement to the reporter is definitely his way of making a political statement, as is the purposeful act of NOT wanting to meet the President of the US when he comes to pay his respects to your son. It said in the article that other family members did meet with the President, so there were mixed opinions and feelings in the family, for sure.

The father has a right to feel however he feels in his grief and he has a right to say whatever he wants to a reporter. BUT, he doesn't get to blame the POTUS "for making this political". The POTUS is making decisions based on information given to him by military people, who were in the military long before he became POTUS, and decisions which, even for the POTUS, are made in the duty of his office as President.

The father is the one making it political.

The part about not wanting to see the president I can understand completely. I'd say the same thing and it wouldn't matter who was the president; this is just because I don't handle death well. Past that though...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am willing to give Dad the benefit of the doubt and say he was acting on grief and emotion.

If he proceeds to round up rioters and camp out in front of Mar-A-Lago or Trump Towers for months on end, NOW he's a crazy politibot.


New Member
I am willing to give Dad the benefit of the doubt and say he was acting on grief and emotion.

If he proceeds to round up rioters and camp out in front of Mar-A-Lago or Trump Towers for months on end, NOW he's a crazy politibot.

He'll end up being Trumps Cindy Sheehan.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I know that grief can cause people to do and say things that they might not normally say. However, I think the statement to the reporter is definitely his way of making a political statement, as is the purposeful act of NOT wanting to meet the President of the US when he comes to pay his respects to your son. It said in the article that other family members did meet with the President, so there were mixed opinions and feelings in the family, for sure.

The father has a right to feel however he feels in his grief and he has a right to say whatever he wants to a reporter. BUT, he doesn't get to blame the POTUS "for making this political". The POTUS is making decisions based on information given to him by military people, who were in the military long before he became POTUS, and decisions which, even for the POTUS, are made in the duty of his office as President.

The father is the one making it political.

I guess we now know who DID meet with the President of the United States when he came to pay his respects. :yay:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
The women in white showed their a**es by getting up and leaving right away. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Whoopie Goldberg showed hers, too..claiming the wife wanted her 15 minutes of fame, and framing it within it's what all war widows want.