When ‘Western civilization’ is code for white nationalism


Ubi bene ibi patria
" Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has received a lot of attention this week.

On Sunday, King tweeted that “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” while endorsing a far-right Dutch candidate who campaigned on the slogan “Stop Islam” (and who has since lost the election).

By Monday, King’s tweet, and his defense of it, were so popular that white nationalists began calling him “King Steve.”

But King’s obsession with civilization is nothing new. In the past, he has said Latinx immigrants to the United States bring violence with them, as they are coming from a “violent civilization” to a “less-violent civilization.”

In July of last year, he questioned whether any “other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization” than white people. He supported a drawing contest of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad because he believed it would teach Muslims that “Western civilization is superior.” And he has complained that birth control is “not constructive to our culture and our civilization.”

He even once took to the House floor to give a bizarrely long speech on the history of “Western civilization” — moving from Moses to ancient Greece to Jesus, then going through the entire history of Christianity, the Declaration of Independence, and the Industrial Revolution. He ended by once again arguing that Latinx immigration threatens the United States. "
