12 Ways The MSM And Left Keep Us Divided


PREMO Member
Violating Our Conscience: 12 Ways The MSM And Left Keep Us Divided

What I want to talk about is the deeper game the Left and their national media play, how they Lucy-With-The-Football the promise of unity and some peace, but only if those of us on the other side agree to serially-violate our conscience.

Here is how that works…

1. Pay For My Propaganda

No one questions the fact that National Public Radio and PBS are left-wing news and entertainment outlets. The same is true for the National Endowment for the Arts. There is also no question these taxpayer-subsidized institutions are now at a point where they could survive just fine without further burdening taxpayers already burdened with $20 TRILLION in debt.

But any attempt to end this ungodly welfare queening for these left-wing propaganda outlets is met with a war scream from the Left and endless hyperbolic news-cycles.

2. Pay For My Abortion
3. Let Us Sexualize Your Kids
4. Celebrate My Sin
5. Worship My Criminal Martyrs
6. You Cannot Say These Words
7. You Must Tolerate Criminal Behavior

We must either accept our country being flooded with illegal aliens, or we are racists.

We must ignore voter fraud, or we are racist conspiracy theorists.

We must understand race riots, or we are racists.

8. Ignore Facts
9. Celebrate My Child Abuse

Although it is outright child abuse, I am supposed to celebrate a depraved parent jumping on the transgender fad by subjecting their child to hormone therapy.

If I don't, I'm a transphobe.

10. Celebrate the Mental Illness of Transgenders
11. Bake My Gay-Wedding Cake
12. Allow Men Into Your Daughter's Bathroom

They just won’t leave us alone to live our own lives in our own way.

Final point: It is not that we are being told we cannot do something, which is easier on the conscience. Rather, we are being forced, coerced, and bullied into actions and attitudes that wound our conscience.

This is the stuff of police states.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Please don't confuse this piece with a complaint or one of those lame pleas for unity. I'm not interested in coming together or common ground. I like that our society is politically divided. I adore scorched earth. And I love political war. At heart, I am a pirate who is only truly happy when the ships are on fire and hooked together as both sides battle it out with clean, cold steel. There's something honest about that. Anything else is a pose

Why on earth would you give ANY credit to this story? He claims to want to be left alone while DECLARING at the outset he LIKES non sop open conflict????