Don't Be Deceived


New Member
What else are Satan’s ministers of righteousness trying to hide? They have deceived a great many people into believing a negative view of the body in contrast to the soul, and a concept of salvation as interior experience rather than total transformation. A great many people have been deceived into believing that their nature is dualistic, that is, consisting of a material, mortal body and a spiritual, immortal soul. The conscious survival of the soul and its reattachment to the body at the resurrection. They are cheating people out of being caught to meet the Savior in the air, when the Age of Grace is over. Paul never alluded to the conscious survival of the soul and its reattachment to the body at the resurrection, that is a notion totally foreign to Paul and to Scripture as a whole. 

The goal of God’s redemption is not the destruction of his first creation, but its restoration to its original perfection. This is why the Scripture speaks of the resurrection of the body rather than of the creation of new beings. The resurrected person will be the same individual as those who existed previously on earth.#As believers, we do not possess the life that Jesus got when God raised him from among the dead as an inherent quality any more than we possess God’s righteousness as a property in our own nature. Just as in the midst of our sinfulness, we are righteous, so in the midst of our self-evident mortality, we are going to get the life God gave to Jesus. Developing a godly character in this present life, this will be our personal identity in heaven. God has committed himself to preserving our individuality, personality, and character.