#FakeHistory: CBS Analyst Says Holocaust Caused By Nationalism


PREMO Member
The Holocaust and communist-driven mass murders of the last century, suggested Gerson, were functions of national identity overcoming “transnational ideals." No explanation of "transnational ideals" was offered by Gerson, nor was he invited by any of Face the Nation's guest panelists or the show's host to articulate the nature of "transnational values."

No mention was made of the anti-Semitic dimension of Nazi ideology or communism's commodification of human lives. As Gerson ignored broader historical forces shaping the 20th century's deadliest events, none of his Face the Nation colleagues challenged his historical analysis.

While nationalism was a significant element of Hitlerian ideology, it was fused with a paradigm of racial struggle. Adolf Hitler viewed race as integral to national identity, with the natural state of the human condition being characterized by a zero-sum battle between racially-defined nations for territory and power.

Gerson invoked the racial dimension of Nazism in his description of contemporary nationalisms across the West, describing them as rooted in "blood and soil."

American nationalism was a primary driving force undergirding the United States' war effort to defeat Nazi Germany and its allies. Nationalism as a social force, underwrote resistance to Hitler's designs across all of America's primary allies, including the Soviet Union.

#FakeHistory: CBS Analyst Says Holocaust Caused By Nationalism

........ Progressives : Nationalism / Nativist = Hitlerism ....


Well-Known Member
"The trouble with Scotland -- is it's full of Scots"
"You know what Joe's mistake was? He wasn't born an Irishman"
"You cannot mesmerize ME - I'm British"
"I'm French - why do you think I have this OUTRAGEOUS accent, you silly king!"
"There are two kinds of people - Greeks, and everyone else who wish they was Greek."
"*Korean* is the most perfect creature ever to sanctify the earth with the imprint of its foot."

Need I go on? These quotes are funny - but they are indicative of something we all know --
Nations of the world are very often coincident with ethnicity, and it is extremely common to believe they are better than anyone else.

Hitler - and others like him - believed his race was superior to all others. Moreover, he believed that all German peoples should
be in one nation. And - then he was free to exterminate any he considered inferior. Even in their own countries.

That's racism disguised as nationalism and not the other way around.