You want me to “coexist” and “unite” with the terrorists? OK, you first.


PREMO Member
Matt Walsh: You want me to “coexist” and “unite” with the terrorists? OK, you first.

But obviously it’s the rank hypocrisy of the coexist brigade that jumps out at you most of all. And I’m not even talking about the hypocrisy of hearing a sermon about “unity” and “love” from a woman who couldn’t manage to stay married for longer than 14 months. If you’re going to unite with the whole world, whatever that means, it seems logical to begin by uniting with your own family. If you haven’t yet mastered that process, it’s probably best to leave the problem of worldwide unity to someone else.

I realize that celebrities who pontificate about love and unity aren’t talking about the kind of love or unity that actually requires us to do anything or make any kind of sacrifice. That’s why they feel comfortable telling us about “love” even as they treat their own spouses and children like disposable props. The love that keeps a marriage going is active and self-giving. The “love” Katy Perry refers to is just a vague feeling of pleasant indifference towards all of humanity. She “loves the world” by shrugging her shoulders at it. And when she tells us to respond to these tragedies with “love,” she means only that we ought not do anything to actively stop it from happening again. Instead, we should throw our hands up in loving surrender, and if more of us are brutally slaughtered, well, that’s a price Katy Perry is willing to pay.

Of course, the most egregious hypocrisy is in the bit about “borders and barriers,” which are the two things left wing celebrities always point to as the cause of all misery and strife on the planet. Yet Katy Perry scolds us for our “borders and barriers” from the security of her private estate, protected around the clock by walls and gates and a security detail. So, when she says “get rid of the barriers,” she means get rid of them for normal folks like you. She’s still entitled to live in her fortified mansion (that used to be a convent until she bought it against the wishes of the nuns who lived there) because she’s different. She’s special. You and I must sacrifice ourselves and our families in the name of multiculturalism, but not Katy Perry. We can’t expect her to jump on this particular grenade. After all, she’s more important. She sings songs about making out with women. She dances in her underwear. Whatever you’re doing with your life, it’s certainly not nearly as necessary for the betterment and sustenance of mankind.