Trump’s Mostly Successful Quiet First Foreign Trip Brings Out the Media’s Pettiness, and Worse


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Trump’s Mostly Successful Quiet First Foreign Trip Brings Out the Media’s Pettiness, and Worse

Instead we’re once again hit with a barrage of journalist tweets, snark and stories regarding handshakes, PDA with Melania, facial expressions and “shoves” because that’s what media does now. They almost solely exist to troll Trump into a reaction on Twitter or in front of a mic. He who trolls the most clicks wins.

When Trump met with Pope Francis in Rome, an odd photograph circled the Twitterverse of Trump smiling while the Pope seemed to scowl. The photograph brought out the best Daily Show journo Twitter on offer: “Pope Francis is all of us. Slay Pontiff Slay!” Thirty seconds of googling, however, would show the Pope’s demeanor with Trump is no different than it was with Obama. But of course, that didn’t matter.

When Melania Trump appeared to swat away her husband’s hand on the greeting tarmac in Tel Aviv, the EWs and The Views and their ilk of course ran with it. That’s their job. But so did The LA Times , NBC and of course Chris Cillizza from CNN, who also declared that this trip for Trump was going well but that it wouldn’t last. Of course not, Chris, you’ll make sure of that! Barack Obama’s former official photographer, Pete Souza, has taken to trolling Trump on Instagram over these things much to the delight of journalists from outlets like Buzzfeed and ABC News, among others. They of course doubled down when Melania appeared to snub him he husband a second time while stepping off Air Force One.