The easy riders take a fall at the summit


PREMO Member
The French imagine a revival of the onetime dominance of their language — the director-general of the European Union insists he sees English fading as the language that bestrides the world — and the new French president wants to extend the style and tone of his honeymoon on the world stage.

But in spite of all those deep looks into the eyes of certain of his new colleagues, good luck with that. He inherited an unemployment rate twice that of the oft-despised British and the haughty Germans, with an economy continuing to lag behind the rest of Europe, and with a formidable task ahead of putting together a parliamentary majority after next month’s elections. Why wouldn’t he like to extend a Sicilian idyll?

He inherited the French disdain for what de Gaulle called, with a sour curl of the Gallic lip, “the Anglo-Saxons.” It’s in the French DNA. He took particular delight, not bothering to disguise it, in telling Theresa May that he and the rest of Europe would make leaving the EU as difficult as they can make it, and being particularly adamant with President Trump that there will be no diluting the Paris agreement on “climate change” to accommodate the United States. Paolo Gentiloni, the Italian prime minister and host of the G-7 summit, chimed in to say that he was sure that Mr. Trump would take some time for “internal reflection” before deciding whether to withdraw from the Paris agreement.

The Europeans are always on the scout for opportunities to bring America down closer to their size, and the Donald will no doubt have to decide whether he will take further heat for resisting the global-warming scam or take the humiliation of running to the high weeds just to escape the condescending fury of France, Italy and the lesser Europeans.

These summits of the economically powerful are particularly popular with the leaders of the not-so-powerful, because for four or five days they’re treated as equals. For one brief shining hour, there’s no children’s table.