Letter to the EDITOR: FY2019 Raising of Fire/EMS Taxes for 2nd and 9th Districts


It's a Jeep thang!
Citizens of 2nd and 9th Districts need to be informed of potential changes to your local Fire/EMS Station.
In 2015, a proposed fire/rescue tax increase was considered but the request was rescinded by Company 6 after citizens input. Based on the concerns raised by the citizens, no public hearing was held and the tax increase request was cancelled.
Presently, Company 6 is proceeding with a design/construction plan of a new Fire/EMS station without a community hall. At this time it is unknown of what will happen with the old station but if they keep it, it will be cost prohibitive.
According to the budget submitted for FY 2018, Company 6 has notified the county commissioners of a planned tax increase request for FY 2019 for a new station.
The Company 6 FY2018 budget request specifically states "We are gearing up for a tax increase submittal in the Fiscal Year 2019 budget submittal process to help fund our new building project."
The community needs to be aware of a forthcoming fund drive for a new building fund. It can be interpreted that a donation received will be counted as approval of the construction of a new station. The fund is not likely to generate enough revenues to completely pay for a new Fire/EMS station. The only way they can proceed will be through the raising of your Fire and EMS taxes. This tax increase will possibly help make payments on the new station loans for the next 30/40 years.
The result of this maximum tax increase will negatively impact the ability to provide future Fire/EMS response equipment and emergency services.
There has been no evidence or information provided to date by Company 6 that indicates the Fire/EMS service will be improved to the community by having a new Fire/EMS station at the same approximate location as the existing station.
We just want you to be aware of possible fund donation solicitations and potential tax increase requests that are forthcoming.
Additionally, we the concerned citizens of 2nd and 9th District, find it disturbing that the majority of these discussions/proposals are not being made available to the citizens of the 2nd and 9th districts for their consideration prior to the commitment for long term payments by the community through a Fire/EMS tax increase.
If concerned or have any questions, please attend the public meetings at the fire station or contact the Concerned Citizens of 2nd and 9th Districts at concerncitizens2and9district@gmail.com or follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Concernedcitizensof2ndand9thdistrict-St-Marys-County-1572519312789805/

Thank you, The Concerned Citizens of 2nd and 9th Districts, St. Mary’s County