Eric Holder: ‘Elections are Officially Rigged’ by Republicans, Not Voter Fraud


PREMO Member
Eric Holder: ‘Elections are Officially Rigged’ by Republicans, Not Voter Fraud

Former Attorney General Eric Holder argued that state governments controlled by the Republican Party implementing voter identification laws are causing “rigged elections,” not voter fraud.

Holder also said the Republican Party’s concern about “voter fraud” was caused by the “record” turnout of minorities voting for former President Obama in 2008 and 2012.

“The restrictive voting laws enacted to combat a next-to-nonexistent problem with their serious and negative collateral impacts are not needed. Now, instead of ensuring the integrity of the voting process, they actually do the opposite by keeping certain groups of people away from the polls and to employ the language of our president – this is how elections are officially rigged, by the state governments controlled by his party. And the creation of this new federal commission on election integrity by this administration is just another frightening attempt to suppress the votes of certain Americans,” Holder said during a luncheon at the NAACP’s annual convention in Baltimore on Monday.

“Make no mistake, this commission, led by a fact-challenged zealot, will come up with bogus reasons why further restrictions should be placed on the right to vote. The over 40 states that have refused to turn over data to the commission are right in that determination. This commission is up to no good. Now, if there is no fact-based voter impersonation problem, what then could be the basis for the photo-identification push? Sadly, the Republican Party has decided to latch itself to short-term political expediency and put itself on the wrong side of history. History will be harsh in its assessment of these efforts,” he added.


New Member
I just do not get it! If you cannot get your azz to a destination in order to get a stupid ID that allows you to vote..... for whatever pathetic reason you can regurgitate.... then maybe your dumb azz shouldn't be trusted to vote in an election in the first place!!!

I just do not get the reasons some people have a problem with this :shrug: