I'm Not Sure Hate Crime Would Work Either


PREMO Member
Speaking on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday, “It does meet the definition of domestic terrorism in our statute.”

In a fact sheet, the administration mentioned both possibilities. But a hate crimes case would be easier to bring because domestic terrorism cases involve a much higher burden for prosecutors, said Horace Cooper, a former constitutional law professor at George Mason University.

A hate crime is an act of violence targeted at someone because of their identity—and it must be a legally protected class to be prosecuted. Domestic terrorism is violence intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.


Cooper, who previously was chief counsel for House Majority Leader Dick Armey and is now the co-chairman of Project 21, a black conservative advocacy group.

But, he noted, hate crimes aren’t easy to prosecute. In this case, Fields’ defense lawyer could argue about the identity of the victim killed, because Heyer, a white female, isn’t the primary target of Fields, reportedly a neo-Nazi.

“The dead person in this case doesn’t necessarily meet the animosity of the alleged perpetrator,” Cooper said. So a defense attorney could contend, “was it racial supremacy views or was it road rage?”


Hate Crimes are usually Racially Motivated .... this would be a first
[insert brown racial type] vs white
Gay vs Straight

I cannot recall male vs female .... and since the victim is white and the perp white, I'm gonna say Hate Crime will be difficult to prove

Politically Motivated Hate Crime ....
Especially in light of the thrashing protesters were giving other cars trying to drive through, the driver may well have freaked and just tried to rush though, not intending to kill anyone [press reports aside]