Calvert Commissioners recommending increased salaries


Well-Known Member
The local Compensation Review Board (CRB) had recommended an annual salary for the person elected sheriff in 2018 of $94,000 with annual incremental increases that would reach $106,000 in the year 2021.

The commissioners, on a 3-to-2 vote, approved a recommendation to increase the county treasurer’s annual salary at $57,000 effective December 2018.

Weems made the motion to accept the CRB’s recommendation to incrementally raise the annual salary for a county commissioner starting at $43,500 in December 2018 to $48,000 in 2021.

The vote on the CRB recommendation was 4-to-1 with Nutter opposed. Two other votes were taken, one to leave the annual supplemental compensation for the commissioner serving as board president at $2,500 and to not change the benefits for county commissioners. Both votes were unanimous.

The commissioners also voted unanimously to accept the CRB’s recommendation to make no charges to the pay and benefits for the judges of the Orphans’ Court.