Progressive university scholar says Stephen King’s ‘It’ is both racist and misogynistic


PREMO Member
Hansen’s commentary

Hansen, in an article published over the summer for Science Fiction Film and Television for Project MUSE, said that the “white male underdog characters” only have their heroic qualities “at least in part through the marginalization of female characters, black characters, gay characters, and characters with disabilities.”

“While this heroic underdog character is in some ways a challenge to traditional concepts of hegemonic masculinity,” Hansen wrote, “the challenge is incomplete, in that he remains white, straight and able-bodied.”

Hansen added that King’s bevy of straight, white, male protagonists “can be vexing, especially for non-white, female, or queer readers.”


how do these people get through the day without hanging themselves


New Member
Guess Trump won't have to worry about Stephen King not letting him see the movie now.

Kings leftist-flake buddies will kill it for everyone. :yay: