Detriot CPL holder shoots robber


Well-Known Member
An attempted robbery in Detroit didn't go as planned for the suspect, when the intended victim pulled out a gun and started shooting in defense.

A Concealed Pistol License holder acted quickly, pulled his gun and shot the armed suspect to end the threat.

Police told the CPL holder it was a good thing he was legally armed or he and his cousin may not be alive today.

The CPL holder had never been in this situation before he told FOX 2, but clearly he knew what to do.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Black on black. I love this statement by the po-po:

Police told the CPL holder it was a good thing he was legally armed or he and his cousin may not be alive today.

Legally armed or not, using self defense in any way, fashion, or form should be expected, and supported by the local po-po..