Man throws girlfriend’s shoe out truck to stop her strangling him


Lawful neutral

ONEWAGO TOWNSHIP, York County — A Florida man had to throw his girlfriend’s shoe out of his truck window to get her to stop attacking him, according to a police arrest report.

According to Huger, Stringfellow became irate when she confronted him about his infidelity. During the confrontation, Huger said, Stringfellow got out of the passenger seat, went behind his seat, wrapped her arm around his neck, and began choking him. Huger said he was unable to breathe, so he moved his mouth up and down on her wrist, using his teeth in an attempt to break her hold.

Once he freed himself, Huger said, he threw one of her shoes outside the truck in an attempt to get her to exit the vehicle. Huger told police his ploy worked; Stringfellow left to truck to retrieve her shoe, and Huger drove off out of fear for his safety.


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