It's OK to Be White: How Fox News Is Helping to Spread Neo-Nazi Propaganda


PREMO Member
Carlson skipped an important detail: The “It’s Okay to Be White” fliers that have been papered on schools and public spaces throughout the U.S. and Canada this month are part of a prank that was promoted widely by neo-Nazi trolls and veteran white supremacists. Other conservative outlets have also covered the fliers in a straightforward manner, including Red State and the Daily Caller, which illustrates how America’s openly racist far-right appears to use such spaces to promote a radical agenda.

Like many other trolling campaigns that have emerged in the era of President Donald Trump, “It’s Okay to Be White” started on the imageboard site 4chan, a favorite online hub for young, white males who consider themselves part of the so-called alt-right movement. Anonymous users of that site posted a “game plan” urging people to hang “It’s Okay to Be White” signs on college campuses in an attempt to bait people into an overreaction against an ostensibly benign statement. As one anonymous 4chan user envisioned it, media outlets would go “completely berserk” after the signs were discovered, revealing what the alt-right perceives as the media's anti-white agenda.

“Normies tune in to see what’s going on, see the posters saying It’s Okay to Be White and the media and leftists frothing at the mouth [sic],” the anonymous 4chan user wrote. “Credibility of far left campuses and media gets nuked, massive victory for the right in the culture war.”

It's OK to Be White: How Fox News Is Helping to Spread Neo-Nazi Propaganda