NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre is and "unwitting" agent of Russia.


PREMO Member
"I've been saying in the pages of the Times, we should repeal the Second Amendment," Stephens touted. "And I say this for a variety of reasons, but one of them is often piecemeal gun control efforts don't work because if you can buy one kind of gun in Indiana, you can bring it into Illinois."

"The other thing is it's going to be very difficult to get at the root of the problem, which is about 300 million guns swimming around in the United States, unless you say, no, in fact, you do not have an automatic constitutional right to buy these kinds of weapons often in unlimited quantities," he said.

He also said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre is and "unwitting" agent of Russia.

"This plays into the Russian agenda because what Russia really wants to do is sow profound distrust among Americans at basic federal and state institutions," Stephens said of the gun debate. "That is, that is their goal. It is essentially operation chaos from the Kremlin, and they now have an agent, an unwitting agent, I hope, in the name of Wayne LaPierre."


Well-Known Member
"I've been saying in the pages of the Times, we should repeal the Second Amendment," Stephens touted. "And I say this for a variety of reasons, but one of them is often piecemeal gun control efforts don't work because if you can buy one kind of gun in Indiana, you can bring it into Illinois."

"The other thing is it's going to be very difficult to get at the root of the problem, which is about 300 million guns swimming around in the United States, unless you say, no, in fact, you do not have an automatic constitutional right to buy these kinds of weapons often in unlimited quantities," he said.

He also said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre is and "unwitting" agent of Russia.

"This plays into the Russian agenda because what Russia really wants to do is sow profound distrust among Americans at basic federal and state institutions," Stephens said of the gun debate. "That is, that is their goal. It is essentially operation chaos from the Kremlin, and they now have an agent, an unwitting agent, I hope, in the name of Wayne LaPierre."

Sure will be nice when these screwballs drop the Russian BS.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Russian" is the new "racist". They don't agree with your opinion? You must be a Russian spy.