Schiff Admits To December 2017 Leak of False Information


PREMO Member
You might remember back on December 8th, 2017, when CNN ran with a story -based on entirely incorrect facts (a wrong date)- that Don Jr. received advanced notice of a pending Wikileaks release of “hacked documents”.

The false CNN article (and broadcast report) stated their information was based on a read-out of the Trump Jr. email provided by an unnamed source. However, the entire substance of the leaked email was false. The entire story CNN ran with all morning was FAKE NEWS. –SEE HERE– & –SEE HERE–

Well, today during an interview with Jake Tapper, the CNN host ran a soundbite from President Trump who mentioned the December hearing and criticized Adam Schiff for being the intelligence committee leaker therein. In his zeal to counter the criticism of the President, Adam Schiff accidentally admitted to being the December intelligence leaker.

Adam Schiff Admits To December 2017 Leak of False Information During Intelligence Committee Hearing…