‘Major TV Factory’ Closes, Blames Trump’s Tariffs ... But Makes Its Products in China!


PREMO Member
The establishment media and a TV manufacturer are blaming President Trump’s tariffs on cheap, Chinese imports for the closure of the company whose product is made in China.

This week, the establishment media has used the closure of Element Electronics, a small manufacturing plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina, where 126 workers will be laid off, to attack Trump’s tariffs on imported Chinese goods.

In a statement about the layoffs, Element Electronics executives said the announcement is due to Trump’s tariffs on imported Chinese goods, writing, “the layoff and closure is a result of the new tariffs that were recently and unexpectedly imposed on many goods imported from China, including the key television components used in our assembly operations in Winnsboro.”

The only problem with the media’s claim? This “last major TV factory,” as Time Magazine described Element Electronics, makes its products in China and only assembles some of its television sets in South Carolina.



Well-Known Member
Have a friend with an Heat/AC company who I talked to during the heat wave we had around July 4th..He said 90% of his A/C calls resulted in replacement of cheap capacitors made in China. Said he is probably screwing himself by replacing them with American made capacitors that typically last 3 to 4 times longer than the cheap Chinese ones. He said it was almost unheard of, years ago, for a capacitor to fail during the typical lifespan of an ac unit before the Chinese glutted the market with cheap knockoffs.