More winning!


Well-Known Member
So Trump has traveled around the world (something that just pissed off the ignorati to no end when the man being flown had a D after name...but is of no consequence when the man being flown has an R after his name and disgraces this country at every opportunity)...

He's traveled around the world leaving failure in his wake at every stop. Where are all the great deals and new business he says he negotiated in Saudi Arabia and China? Where are the massive increases in defense spending he claims to have won from our NATO partners? (We'll ignore the fact that the President clearly does not understand how NATO is funded.) What exactly did he talk to Putin about? He's pissed off every ally and cow towed to every enemy.

But the coup de grace of incompetence was his "summit" with Kim Jung Un...where Trump came away with nothing and in return gave away everything.

U.S. to resume military exercises in Korea, Mattis says

The U.S earlier this summer suspended military exercises on the Korean Peninsula as part of a “good faith” negotiating effort with North Korea.

Defense Secretary James Mattis said Tuesday that effort is over.

“We took the step to suspend several of our largest exercises as a good faith measure coming out of the Singapore summit,” Mr. Mattis told reporters, referring to the historic June meeting between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

“We have no plans at this time to suspend any more exercises,” the secretary continued. “We will work very closely … with the secretary of state and what he needs done, we will certainly do to reinforce his effort. But at this time there is no discussion about further suspensions.”

The US didn't suspend exercises, our incompetent, inept and unfit President did upon decree without so much as a consultation with anyone with actual knowledge of the subject.

Now that our incompetent, inept and unfit President's actions have been proven (yet again) to be incompetent and inept, Trump sends Mattis out to clean up the mess?

Yea...what a leader...what a manager!! MAGA!! MAGA!!! WINNING!!! WINNING!!! :doh:


Well-Known Member
The US didn't suspend exercises, our incompetent, inept and unfit President did upon decree without so much as a consultation with anyone with actual knowledge of the subject.

Yes they did. And we told you that, then. And every time you said otherwise, we explained it to you.
It wasn't erased, cancelled, taken down or any such thing.

Like *MANY* such diplomatic efforts over the past generations, it was a regular event that was suspended briefly
so as not to insult the people we were doing business with. Once, when Khrushchev came to visit back in the 50's,
we chose NOT to forego passing a condemnation of the annexation of the Baltic States (the Captive Nations Resolution) - something we had done for fifteen years -
and he blew a gasket. But most of the time, when we're treading carefully diplomatically, we suspend such things because
there's really no point in doing them while you're trying to make things right.

And now the secretary of defense is TELLING you this, and you're saying he's wrong.
You and only you, know how it *really* went down.

What IS it with you, anyway?
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PREMO Member
... (something that just pissed off the ignorati to no end when the man being flown had a D after name ... )

If you meet one ignorant in a day, that person maybe ignorant, but if everyone you meet is ignorant, you might want to look in the mirror ...

What exactly did he talk to Putin about?

Why is of ANY Concern of YOURS .....

The US didn't suspend exercises, our incompetent, inept and unfit President did upon decree without so much as a consultation with anyone with actual knowledge of the subject.

Now that our incompetent, inept and unfit President's actions have been proven (yet again) to be incompetent and inept, Trump sends Mattis out to clean up the mess?

You Do Realize Trump is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF ... and as Such can has the Authority to give Orders to the Military :shrug:

Let Me Remind you what you said a while back;


Every post you make is against anyone or any group that doesn't conform to your propagandist viewpoints.


Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Unfounded OPINION
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