Does White Privilege Theory Pave The Way For South Africa-Style Property Confiscation In The US


PREMO Member
Earlier this year I laid out the case for how white privilege theory serves as a door stopper for redistributionist policies, like disparate impact housing policies (distributing housing according to ethnicity), progressive stacking (speech redistribution), and affirmative action (opportunity redistribution). This is because white privilege theory is based on the neo-Marxist worldview. As I explained:

Neo-marxism divides the world between oppressor and oppressed and identifies a system, or systems, by which the oppression takes place. In classical Marxism, the oppressed were the proletariat, the oppressors were the bourgeoisie, and the system of oppression was capitalism. The Marxist framework has been adapted to categorize and pit against each other various group identities, all toward the end of establishing socialism.


Racial Marxism Undermines Private Property Rights

One of the central tenets of my argument that white privilege theory leads to socialism is the theory’s underlying premise that the wealth and status of white people is ill-gotten because it is generated from a “system of oppression.” Any white adherent to white privilege theory must ask the question: “If what I have is ill-gotten, does it really belong to me? Or do I owe some portion of that to the people I am oppressing?”


Of course, theft by government nowadays is always cloaked in the language of the greater good, of justice, peace, and the welfare of the people. According to President Cyril Ramaphosa, of the Marxist-leaning party African National Congress, “The intention of the proposed amendment is to promote redress, advance economic development, increase agricultural production and food security.”


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
The last thing land distribution in SA will lead to is increased agriculture production. Just look at what happened in Zimbabwe when they tried the same thing. SA will be no different. History people, it's not hard to learn from it.


Power with Control
In thier fantasies, it does, but the way the demograpics are flipped means that they will never have the political power they have in SA, where the white are in the minority.