Kamala Harris Spreads Deceptively Edited Video To Attack Kavanaugh


PREMO Member

This is clearly deceptive, as it’s obvious this was not the beginning of one of Kavanaugh’s answers. Kavanaugh’s full sentence, which would have only required one or two extra seconds had Harris’ team started at the beginning, made it clear he was summarizing what a party in a Supreme Court case said.

Kavanaugh said, "In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to." (Emphasis added.)

Kavanaugh never said anything suggesting he believes all birth control equates to “abortion-inducing drugs.” But when media outlets like CNN presented the story, they didn’t do so from an obvious fact-checking stance — they did so as if there was a legitimate debate here.
