Evidence of Crimes Irrelevant to Impeaching Trump, a Texas Democrat Insists


PREMO Member
Ron Fein, legal director of the group Free Speech for People and co-author of “The Constitution Demands It: The Case for the Impeachment of Donald Trump,” said the country has been subjected to the “Trump effect.”

“There is something called the ‘Trump effect,’” Fein, also on the panel, said. “What sociologists have noticed is that when Trump gives a rally in a certain city, if you compare that city to the week before or the week after, or if you compare it to other cities on that same day, there are more racial incidents, more violent incidents in schools and communities in these cities where Trump is giving a rally.”

Fein added:

I think everybody here knows if you went to a high school basketball game and there was one team that was predominately white and one team that was predominately people of color and the one team started chanting, ‘Trump, Trump, Trump,’ everybody knows what that means.

Talk about projecting and a Progressive Dog Whistle

And what is happening is, Trump is tearing open some racial wound that had certainly not been healed but we were starting to make some progress on, and he is tearing them apart.

Allan Lichtman, professor of history at American University and another panelist, said that impeaching Trump is necessary for preserving society.

“Impeachment is the appropriate remedy for a runaway, rogue president who endangers our national security, our liberties, our freedom, our great traditions like an independent judiciary, a free press, tolerance among different groups in the country,” Lichtman said. “And don’t get hung up on whether it is a technically indictable crime under the statute law.”




Well-Known Member

Why do these people believe that impeaching Trump will solve their problems.
It will do nothing but divide the country more so than it is already divided.
Pence will be President, and if they try to impeach him is could start a war they don't want.------------ordo they


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Trump, Trump, Trump, Tr.........................................


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think anyone who blathers about "codes" and "dog whistles" should be involuntarily admitted to a mental health facility.


God bless the USA
Why do these people believe that impeaching Trump will solve their problems.
It will do nothing but divide the country more so than it is already divided.
Pence will be President, and if they try to impeach him is could start a war they don't want.------------ordo they

Yes, they do. And, that is the only way that our country will ‘fundamentally’ change. Or, ‘foundamentally’ change. It is already happening. Do these anti Americans understand how many Americans own guns, and are patriots?
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