Christine Blasey Ford / CNN and Know Nothing Friends


PREMO Member
Acosta began by letting Guerry paint a picture of her friend, asking, “What is she like, and what do you think she’s going through right now?”

Guerry answered, “This has been an agonizing period of time for her, as you might imagine. She didn’t ask to be in this position; she asked for confidentiality ....

:eyebrow: :killingme [I wanted to make spurious anonymous claims ... but I was outed by Democrats] :lmao:

... and since that wasn’t possible, apparently, we are now in the throes of being a political football.” She added, “I think that the careful consideration she’s giving to how she handles this should be a lesson to everyone involved in this process.”

Acosta theorized that members of the GOP were “complaining” that the Ford accusation was revenge for the refusal of the GOP to confirm Judge Merrick Garland in 2016. He asked, “Do you think she (Ford) would be a part of that if that was going on?”

Guerry patronized, “I understand that this is highly inconvenient to the Republicans’ agenda right now,” adding that how the matter was handled was not Ford’s decision, but the Democrats’. She pontificated, “Whether it was revealed two months ago or last week, I’m not sure how relevant that is.” She later claimed that Ford would have to appear in a public forum, “in front of thousand of cameras and of people,” which is false; the Judiciary Committee has offered for her to testify privately. Acosta did not correct her.

WATCH: CNN's Acosta Interviews Friend Of Kavanaugh's Accuser. Then She Admits Knowing Nothing.

Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Unfounded OPINION


Well-Known Member
I would think that any woman who never had a boy or man try to pet with her would have to be the ugliest sow to ever walk shoe leather.
Either that or a lesbian.

This woman says she knows many women who have endured an act where a boy attempted to grope them.
She isn't a bad looking woman, why doesn't she speak from experience?
Pretty sure someone touched her without a written affidavit asking permission.